Crayfish, crawdads or crawfish are spicy tidbits of crustaceans, packed with flavor. They resemble tiny lobsters, weighing from one to two ounces. The only edible portion is the tail, although some people suck the juice out of the heads. Opening a crawfish restaurant adds the challenge of the crawfish theme on top of the operating a restaurant. Set up relationships with several crawfish vendors. The season for fresh crawfish is from March through April. They are available frozen during the rest of the year. If your restaurant runs out of crawfish, you have a major problem; frozen crawfish will keep for several months in a zero-degree freezer. Add in shipping costs. When the winter is colder, the crawfish stay longer in their burrows, delaying the start of the season. Develop the menu.
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Queen Edet is a young, hardworking computer mzke student of Yaba College of Technology. She made the news last week when one of her friends posted a picture of her packing crayfish, a business she started just to see herself through school not minding the stress, and sometimes low patronage. According to Edet, while growing up, she enjoyed helping her grandmother who was also into crayfish business. Little did she realise that hobby and passion was going to turn into a viable business today. She shares her story in this interview. I am the last in the family of six. Inspiration My grandmother used cgayfish sell crayfish in Calabar, and I assisted her with the measurement and tying, when I was young. During vacation from school, I always wanted to travel to Calabar so I could help her in her crayfish business and I enjoyed it. As time went on, I discovered I had much passion for it but I never thought I could venture into it as my own business, considering the fact that crayfish has a distinctive smell. I have a passion for it because passion beats shame. Patronage To be honest, the patronage has been poor. Of all the businesses in town and as pretty as you are? I dropped the shame and kept on moving on.
1. Blogging
Combining school with business It has been stressful because sometimes the little deliveries I make, warrant crayfisy missing classes, notes, and even impromptu tests. It is God who has been helping me pull through and also helping me strike a balance so I can excel. Reaction when story went viral I was overwhelmed with joy but at the same time speechless. I call that grace and favour from God. When God has chosen you, no man can bring you. Public response The responses have been wow!! All thanks to God.
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Long, straight rows of bright green grain protrude from crystal clear water, with not a weed in sight. But one thing looks out of place. Between every row is a long line of traps with bright orange tops that poke out of the water every few feet. They are there because Mr. Benoit is not really using these fields to grow rice. His primary crop is the crayfish called crawfish around here teeming in the shallow water. The rice is just there to feed them. His father farmed rice and his grandfather shipped it, but like many other South Louisiana farmers, Mr. Benoit is finding that it pays to look at a rice field and see a crayfish pond.
This article from the University of Louisiana looks at crawfish markets and the marketing of crawfish and associated products. It discusses market trends, prices and regulations such as transport and grading to help those involved with crawfish production. Whether from aquaculture or the natural fishery, the supply of live crawfish is highly seasonal, with peak of the harvest occurring from March through June Figure 1. Historically, most of the domestic supply has been consumed in Louisiana and surrounding southern states, particularly Texas, the Mississippi Gulf coast and the Florida panhandle Figure 2. Because of restricted geographical areas of production, seasonal supply, unstable prices and cultural mores, crawfish sales nationally have been limited, but have increased in recent years. All crawfish are marketed live by farmers, and live crawfish comprise most of the final sales to consumers. Producers of large crawfish have a competitive advantage, especially when the supply of live crawfish exceeds demand. In times of oversupply, generally the larger crawfish remain in the live market and smaller crawfish are processed for meat. Most producers sell live crawfish to a primary wholesaler Figure 3 or a processor, although a limited volume is sold directly to retail stores, restaurants and consumers. In Louisiana, red swamp crawfish have higher consumer appeal in the live market than white river crawfish, although this distinction is usually not made outside of traditional southern Louisiana markets. Highest demand by retail consumers and restaurants is on weekends, even in Louisiana, with limited retail sales early in the week. The live product, with its restricted shelf life of no more than several days, largely dictates harvesting schedules and market plans. Shelf life of the live product also effectively limits regional and national distribution.
The crustaceans were imported into the UK in the s but they escaped into the countryside to cause an eco-nightmare. They kill fish by devouring their eggs and cause river banks to collapse with their tunnels, posing the danger of unsuspecting walkers being flung into the water and drowning. The ‘Yankee’ cray gangsters, which can be up to half a foot long, also pass a deadly disease — to which they are immune — to our native crayfish, which are only three inches and less aggressive. Now Roger Sellars and Dale Oram are helping the environment — and lining their own pockets too. They are catching tons of the alien crayfish with home-made lobster pots placed in the river between Reading and Oxford. The pair of eco-entrepreneurs have just started their fourth summer season and make a tidy profit selling the tasty crustaceans to hotels and restaurant chefs. Dale, 46, from Abingdon, said «We caught seven-and-a-half tonnes of them last year by fishing right the way from Reading up to Oxford station. There are absolutely loads of them. The US species was introduced in Europe in the s to help fisheries being damaged by crayfish plague. But the imports turned out to be a carrier of the same disease, and have killed off most of our native white-clawed crayfish. They also wreak havoc by digging tunnels which cause river banks to collapse, and they are voracious predators, feeding on small fish and fish eggs and reducing the breeding population of native fish stocks. Dale said «Not only is catching lots of crayfish good for business but it’s good for the rivers because the crayfish do a lot of damage. Working as a crayfisherman is a ‘full-on job’ — they have to be in their boat on the river from 4. Dale said «It really is a labour of love for us but our crayfish are exported to many countries in Europe including Sweden and Finland, which is really great.
Show less Many people catch crayfish for food. You can capture a crayfish using a trap. However, some people prefer to catch crayfish by hand. In the event you trap a crayfish, you usually need to kill it shortly after as it’s illegal to transport live crayfish in many states.
You can cook your crayfish when you get home. Then, purchase a professional trap from your local sporting goods store and bait it with bacon or a can of wet cat food. Next, set your trap in a river or brook, since crayfish generally prefer clear, still water. To learn more, including makw to catch crayfish using a cup or a net, scroll down!
This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Together, they cited information from 10 references. Categories: Crustaceans. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet?
Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie makke. Home Categories Pets and Animals Crustaceans. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Learn more Method 1. Buy a professional trap. If you’re new to catching crayfish, a professional trap is your best option.
There are a variety of options when it comes to crayfish traps. Choose a trap based on your specific needs. Regardless of the type of trap you’re purchasing, make sure the entrance is less than 9.
This is a safety precaution to prevent mammalian animals, like otters, from entering the trap and drowning. Some traps are designed with a crawl-in entrance. These traps are usually meant to be set up and left overnight. If you’re planning on catching crayfish while on an extended camping trip, you might want a trap like. You can leave it in the water overnight and check in the morning to see if you caught.
These traps work somewhat like fishing poles. You lower them into the water, wait until you feel pressure, and then pull the trap upward to check for crayfish. Use a small plastic cup. As crayfish are not particularly big, you may be able to get by with a simple plastic cup.
If you’re unaccustomed to handling live crayfish, this is not mlney. Crayfish are fast and do bite and claw. It may be hard to secure them in a cup if you lack experience.
However, if you’ve caught crayfish before you may want to save your money and use a cup. You use a cup as a trap manually. You would wait until you see a crayfish and then submerge your cup in the water. Then, you would slowly move the cup forward until monfy crayfish was behind it. Use a stick to scare the crayfish so it backs into the cup.
Then, pull the cup out of the water. Try a net. A net is a slightly less expensive option than a professional trap. It requires less manual effort than a simple cup, so it’s a good in-between option.
You can try a simple fishnet, which you can buy at most sporting goods stores. Keep in mind a fish net may not be ideal. You can hurt a crayfish if its limbs get caught in a fishing net. Even if you intend to kill the animal for food, you want to minimize its suffering. Ma,e 2. Find the right bait. Peopls you’ve chosen a trap, you’ll need bait. If you’re using a cup or net, this may not be necessary. Howw is what is most often used to catch a crayfish. It’s best to use real meat instead of artificial bait.
Fish heads, bacon, and chicken carcasses work. If you do not want to spend money on real meat, you can use a can of cat food how people make money from crayfish holes punched into the top. Crayfish are primarily attracted to smell. They may follow the smell of the cat food. How you bait a trap depends heavily on the trap you’re using.
You would usually place it inside the trap, close to the. Some crayfish traps may have special sections where you can place the bait. Place your chosen trap in the right area.
You need to place your trap in an area where you’re likely to find crayfish. Crayfish generally prefer clear, still water. They also prefer a rocky habitat. You can also look for eddies with fast streams, as crayfish may flow into your traps.
They tend to congregate in warmer bodies of freshwater. If you live in a colder area, it may be harder to find and catch crayfish. Kill crayfish shortly after trapping. In many states, it’s illegal hoq transport live crayfish. You also do not want to cause the animals excessive stress. You should kill the crayfish shortly after they enter your traps.
If you’re going for a daylong fishing trip, you should keep crayfish alive until the end of the day. This minimizes decay. You can keep crayfish in a sealable container. Keep crayfish between layers form moist fabric. Peope might want to put ice between the layers of fabric, but be sure not to let ice directly touch the crayfish. Stab around the top of the body, where their head joins the abdomen.
Method 3. Wear protective gloves. Some people prefer to simply catch crayfish by hand. You should not do this unless you have experience handling live crustaceans. Always wear protective gloves when catching crayfish by hand.
They may nip or claw when frightened. Find crayfish. Crayfish are often found in shallow water. You may find crayfish congregated under a rock. Wade in a flowing, rocky creek and lift up stones and rocks. Look for gatherings of crayfish. They’re usually found in brooks and rivers.
They may, however, show up in fast-moving eddies on occasion. Keep in mind crayfish do most of their moving during the night.
How to Breed Crayfish/Crawfish in a Pond
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I n the early s, I sailed the full length of the non-tidal Thames, from Teddington to Lechlade and back. Seeing dead crayfish on the way hlw me wonder what had been done about the American crayfish invasion since I first read about it in the s, which I realised was very little. So I decided I would do.
In the s, the British government introduced the American Signal crayfish to UK waters for export to the lucrative Scandinavian market. Within a few years they realised this species was a carrier of the crayfish plague, to which it is immune, but which kills off other species. Much of our native white-clawed crayfish population was wiped out and, without a yow solution, the crayfish farms were crayfieh. I set about trying to figure out a large-scale affordable system for ridding the pepple of this species, which, really, is what the government should be doing — you can’t have one bloke doing all the trapping…. Environmentalists thought for a long time that trapping wouldn’t work, because trappers only took the big fish and left the small ones in the wild. Epople I focused on what you could do with the small ones. I founded the National Institute of Crayfish Trappers in nict. Bea’s of Bloomsbury got in touch about a crawfish boil, which ran for 22 weeks — we got through a lot of crayfish!
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