With the current ongoing war thunder ta 154 make good money and upcoming patch 1. To cut down on the spam, I have created this sticky thread for all your sale question needs. Please use the applicable, and tags to preface your opinions or questions! Aircraft and ground vehicle performance differs greatly across the three modes, so an opinion for one mode may be completely invalid for. Do not downvote based on disagreement! Downvotes are reserved for comments you’d rather not see at all because they have no place. Note, when people say ‘FM’ and ‘DM’, they are referring to the Flight Model how a plane flies and reacts to controls and Damage Model how well a vehicle absorbs damage and how prone it is to taking damage in certain ways. If you would like to request a Topic for next week’s discussion please ra so by leaving a comment.
Mobey would like to announce changes in the Revenue Share program. It now doesn’t matter whether the model is added to the main research line, or as a premium vehicle or even as an event model which is especially thjnder for rare ground vehicles and aircraft. If you do the job well and the vehicle finds a place in our game you will get cash immediately! One evening I as usual went on the game forums and posted a picture thundr a fictitious airplane. This thought sank deep into my mind… Finally, two of my 514 interests had combined. I got to work on looking for a suitable candidate. After some thought and looking at a bunch of photos of various airplanes, I decided to create yood Ta What can I say — I like its elegant design. For me, as a designer, how an airplane looks is always its main characteristic. When development began, I had a lot of experience in creating 3D models, but experienced a lack of free time.
Video about Ta 154 A-1
In the process of creating the model, I regularly shared my development progress on the forum and the developers got in touch with me after a. A preliminary decision was made to add the airplane to the game. At that time, without his priceless help, it would have been extremely difficult for me to get to grips with the CDK and export the model into the game. Work on the model entered its active phase. After the developers checked the model, we decided to convert it to the day version of the A1. This is because the references and historical materials on the A1 are more precise. The shape of the frame remained unchanged. Other parts moeny to be developed further and improved. This was a good thing for the model.
We would thunedr to announce changes in the Revenue Share program. It now doesn’t matter whether the model is added to the main research line, or as a premium vehicle or even as an event model which is especially important for rare ground vehicles and aircraft. If you do the job well and the vehicle finds a place in our game you will get cash immediately!
One evening I as usual went on the game forums and posted a picture of a fictitious airplane. This thought sank deep into thjnder mind… Finally, two of my favorite interests had combined.
I got to work moneyy looking for a suitable candidate. After some thought and looking at a bunch of photos of various airplanes, I decided to create the Ta What can I say — I like its elegant design.
For me, as a designer, how an airplane looks is always its main characteristic. When development began, I had a lot of experience in creating 3D models, but experienced a lack of free time. In the process of creating the model, Thnder regularly shared my development progress on the forum and the developers got in touch with me after a. A preliminary decision was made to add the airplane to the game. At that time, without his priceless help, it would have been extremely difficult for me to get to grips with the CDK and export the model into the game.
Work on the model entered its active phase. After the developers checked the model, we decided to convert it to the day version of the A1. This is because the references and historical materials on the A1 are more precise.
The shape of the frame remained unchanged. Other parts had to be developed further and improved. This was a good thing for the model. The detalization and accuracy of elements of the design increased significantly. A user with the nickname RLC for helping create the camouflage for the first version of the model. For help in painting the airplane and working with PBR. In spite of difficulties in life, he created some wonderful camouflage and helped find me a range of airplane features that escaped my view.
The developer Kuzma «rthunder» Lykov. Thanks to his reviews and attention to detail, we have the most accurate mooney model of this airplane. By following these instructions, content creators develop historically accurate 3D models of military vehicles while sharing the creation process with you through our LIVE portal, where they can also find support and encouragement from other players.
During this stage of the creation process we will contact creators of vehicles that we think should be included in the game. Do you know your way around a 3D editor?
Give it a shot! Create models for our game and make thundeg News back to news. Download Wallpaper:. August 12, When development began, I had a lot of experience in creating 3D models, but experienced a lack of free time. May 16, Work on the model entered its active phase. Thanks to him for the consultation. Would you like to give it a try? Join us More than 20, gamers.
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It was introduced in Update 1. The Ta A-1 has very powerful frontal armament, placed in the fuselage, which can give you quick and easy kills. Turning should be a last resort. The roll-rate of the Ta is almost as good as the Fw s roll-rate, this is due to the fact that there are no fuel tanks in the wings. This advantage can and should most definitely be used when flying evasively but when at low altitude, do periodically check what’s in front of you.
Here is the list of previous discussions.
Describe how the aircraft behaves in the air. Speed, qar, acceleration and allowable loads — these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle. Climb with your cursor pointing at 15 degrees. If there are high altitude interceptor Most commonly P and Whirlwinds, note that they will typically have a higher altitude than youdestroy them if thjnder. Destroy the bombers that choose to fly high.
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