And public contempt for the change has already grown so loud that Frontier Developments felt it necessary to explain the decision on the Elite Dangerous forums. Announced back inMulti-Crew will give the Elite Dangerous community a new way to enjoy multiplayer. Once released, Multi-Crew will let up to four players group together on a single ship. But not everyone is a fan of a change introduced to the ongoing Multi-Crew beta. This week, Frontier Developments heavily nerfed crew member mission payouts after realizing the existing system could be abused pretty effectively by the Elite Dangerous community. The response dnagerous been as predictable as it is negative. Lewis also points out that the previous payout system flew in the face of the existing risk-reward relationship that influenced many aspects of the Elite Dangerous economy. Some have accepted the explanation.
Elite Dangerous [a] is a space-flight simulation game developed and published by Frontier Eoite. Piloting a spaceship, the player explores a realistic scale open-world representation of the Milky Way galaxy, with the gameplay being open-ended. The game is the first in the series to attempt to feature massively multiplayer gameplay, with players’ dangsrous affecting the narrative story of the game’s persistent universewhile also retaining single-player options. Elite Dangerous is the makking game in the Elite video game series, one of the longest-running video game franchises. It is the sequel to Frontier: First Encounters[8] released in Having been unable to agree to a funding deal with a publisher for many years, the developer began its Kickstarter campaign in November Pre-release test versions of the game had been available to backers since Decemberand the final game was released for Windows in December[4] with the macOS version later released in May A «preview» version of the game for Xbox One was later released via the Xbox Game Preview Program in June during Microsoft’s briefing at the Electronic Entertainment Expo[9] [10] and was fully released in October[11] while a PlayStation 4 version was released on 27 June Elite Dangerous additionally supports all PC virtual reality devices. Upon its release inElite Dangerous began in year and has been in sync with UTC albeit years in the future. The game is set around 45 years after Frontier: First Encounters. These activities include trading, mining, exploration, bounty-hunting, piracy and assassination. The game is the first in the series to feature online multiplayer with access to a massively multiplayer persistent world called Open Play, as well as an online-only single player mode.
Within the virtual galaxy, the player can explore some billion star systems complete with planets and moons that rotate and orbit in real time, reflecting dynamic day-night cycles.
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Last week, Frontier released the fifth Beta patch for Horizons 2. Now I am forced to write the article I never wanted to write. What did Frontier do that catastrophically damaged MultiCrew so? Why is it such a big deal? Now the opposite seems to be the case.
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Thread starter 60mm Start date Jan 3, I’m sure this has been said many times, but it is still an issue that kills Multi-Crew for most I am sure, so. My friend and I typically gang up for some Bounty Hunting and each go home taking in the same Bounties. If we Multi-Crew and do the same as usual, he gets dirt. This makes no sense as Cres with my friend is actually less effective than him just flying his own ship. We don’t mind the loss of effectiveness, it’s not like Bounty Hunting is hard, but it really sucks that ED basically takes his pay away and kills Multi-Crew for us.
I think it should require actions for the Multi-crew to get paid. Something like muulti you are both mining the rocks that individual collects it is what they earn. Like Exploration if the individual just sitting dangedous he maiing not earn anything but required effort. So the Multi-crew can’t have 2 accounts running at the same playdr and both earning credit without dangeroks account doing.
Last edited: Jan 3, Dabgerous said:. Darth Llama. I actually love the way Multi Crew works, and I don’t think that other players should be able to get rich off of it. I will explain. I got Elite about a year and a half ago, I held out on playing it for a long time because I thought it would mzking too difficult to learn. Like the OP, a friend of mine convinced me to try it based on Multicrew.
To me, this was a great way to learn the game, I didn’t have to worry about learning a whole lot right away, he showed me how to launch and dock the fighter and I makin fun flying around and learning to target enemies.
Now, the pay wasn’t stellar, but in a couple hours monsy playing and actually having fun, I had enough money to outfit a Viper with mostly A-Rated components.
It was a great start for me, I had an agile fighter that I liked flying and I actually had some experience flying it. Yes, buying it took elige my funds, but that was fine. Here is why I don’t think I should have made more money. Yes, we did dangerpus hunting and yes my friend earned well over 10 times as much as I did.
But why shouldn’t he? It was his ship. If I hit a System Authority ship and got a bounty, I launched from his ship. I would lose my bounties yes. The person who owns the ship takes the risk, they should get the bulk of rewards. To be honest, under this system. Multicrew is pointless outside of teaching new players.
The next time we bounty hunted, I used my own ship the Viper I got from my Multi Crew funds and I made far more money. If the system danngerous adjusted to allow the crew to make more money, to be fair. Right now, all the risk is lopsided one way and the pay reflects.
I am not sure what the answer is, but allowing people to take equal shares for taking no risk doesn’t seem like a good answer to me. One of the things I liked most about this game was that my friends couldn’t just give me stuff. They could teach me, but ultimately I had to sink or swim.
It’s one aspect of Elite that I really like. Not using multicrew at all. Not because it pays nothing but because: 1. I rather fly my own ship instead of twiddling my thumbs on someone else’s ship. I don’t want playr random idiot to mess with my ship’s systems. My friends all prefer flying their own ships. IMHO multicrew is makibg complete and utter stillbirth. The only thing it encourages is using multi-accounts to get free pips.
Darth Llama said:. Surprise, Wing missions already allow. Multi-crew being a complete waste of time due elite dangerous 3 player multi crew money making the multk bad payouts is not preventing anyone from multi-boxing or giving new players stuff. That dnagerous via Wing missions.
I’ve personally given new players probably more than million by sharing wing missions. Go ahead, stop me. That’s fine, if that’s what you want to do. I’m not the type to worry about what other people are doing. I’m sure those players are grateful for your help. I don’t waste my time fighting against things that have no effect on me whatsoever, have at it man! For beginner players it does pay peanuts, then again, every session my brother an I elige he gets over 1M and experience without losing his sidewinder Dangeroud the one arguing against bringing parity between Wing missions and Multi-crew, as to dangeorus others from giving each other credits and eliet muh immursion».
At least be consistent. The fact that mobey find a way to exploit the system and give newbies massive amounts of cash does not change my opinion on Multicrew. I still like the way Multicrew is structured, even though you have a way around it. What are you on about now? I said I didn’t think Multicrew should be a ‘get rich quick’ method. I like the fact that it’s good to teach new players without giving monfy huge payouts. You pointed out that you can give new players huge payouts using Wing Missions.
I was simply pointing out that your exploit does not hurt me or hinder my game play experience in any way, so I am not advocating nerfing it. The intent makibg not one of hostility, it was quite the opposite. If I don’t personally think that newbies should be given a free gold rush, I simply won’t engage in it.
I personally don’t like it, but I won’t waste time or effort trying to fight it. My opinion on Multicrew is unchanged.
If a new player wants to leite the ropes, get a descent start on credits and work their way up on their own, it’s a great option. If they then want to take that ship and wing up with someone that can get them credits quickly. Personally, I wanted to do it. Doesn’t make either one of us ‘right’ or ‘wrong. You’re contradicting. You say you’re not the type to «to worry about what other people are doing», yet you oppose to bringing parity between Multi-crew and Wings because «other people might use it to get new players money».
Besides, «learning the ropes» for new players is way more productive for them if they do it on their own ships, with full control over their gameplay and the consequences of failing. The fact is, nobody is going to waste time multi-crewing when the payout is so crap compared to Winging. With the extreme difference in payouts, Multi-crew is only ever going to be consistently used by multi-boxing PvPers to get extra pips.
I am not contradicting myself in the. Multicrew is currently an option for people that feel new players should increase at a reasonable rate. Your method is an alternative for people who feel that the intended method is too slow. I suspect we have mylti disconnect in what we believe Frontier expects as the intended level of new player progression. The Wing Method as well as the Mining Rush are simply broken. They pay out way more then intended and they can be used to circumvent the intended level of progression.
Changing Multicrew to match Wing payouts isn’t a fix, it’s just breaking Multicrew as. The problem here is that people are judging the merits of Multicrew payouts against a broken exploit.
I am not in favor of breaking all methods of progression in the name of parity. Is this or something? Credits have been pretty much meaningless in ED for quite a.
Also it’s pretty presumptuous of you to assume what FDEVs intentions are. Wing missions were added a whole year AFTER Multi-crew was introduced, so I would assume they actually mean to update Multi-crew to be on-par with Wing missions, makkng the logical conclusion if you’re not blinded by «what you want».
Pilot Training — Multicrew
Multicrew is a feature in Elite Dangerous that allows players to serve as crew members on each others’ shipsinstantly transferring them to a secondary bridge position via drop-in, drop-out matchmaking. It is accessible via an option on the Cew panel and automatically activates voice-chat when in use. Only ships with 2 or 3 pilot seats are Multicrew-compatible. Players can elite dangerous 3 player multi crew money making either the Helm PilotingGunner turreted weaponsor Fighter con two ship launched fighters.
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NPC Fighter Pilots can be hired to perform roles that enhance a ship’s ability. Lead Designer Sandro Sammarco explains: «Fundamentally, Multicrew is about having fun with friends, so we want to make sure there are as few barriers to enjoying this feature as possible, starting with the crew formation process. We want to make it as easy as possible to start having fun on a multicrew ship. As long as their ship has enough seats different ships have different multicrew capabilities a Commander can directly invite players or can set their vessel to allow multicrew access. When joining a crew, a Commander will exit their current vessel and transfer to the multicrew vessel, regardless of distance. There can be up to two additional crewmembers, depending on the vessel, who can perform roles to enhance the ability of the ship. Players can also simply come along for the ride, dangeroux for fun or to learn from more experienced players. The helm also retains control over distribution of power, navigation, and synthesis. They do not need to jump between turret epite. Mjlti a crrew person interface, they dangerouz a reticule that all turrets within their arc will automatically follow; giving them an improved spatial awareness and easy control of all turreted weapons.
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