Nearly every night after dinner for eight straight months, Glen Zubia brewed a cup of coffee, turned on heavy metal music, and made T-shirts. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays he designed in Adobe Illustrator. It was grueling, but it paid off. Eventually, Zubia had sharted 2,item catalog of designs, slogans, and illustrations online that people could purchase on T-shirts and hoodies. Also called print on demand, this ho of passive income works differently than, say, renting out real estate or playing the stock market. Companies like TeespringRedbubbleand Merch by Amazon have sprung up this moeny to fuel the passive income industry. Say you take a scenic photo on vacation — a long-exposure image of the Fontaines de la Concorde in Paris, or maybe a shot of waves breaking on the shores of Waimea Bay in Oahu. Instead of letting it collect virtual dust on your desktop, you can upload it to one of these sites.
Taking advantage of the resources available to me
Podcast: Download Duration: — Derek is someone who I met at the Ecommerce Fuel Live conference and it was pretty random how we started talking. And I found that the screen saver on makd computer was a running count of his age. I took notice and we started chatting. And as luck would have it, Derek was selling t-shirts at the time and making a killing doing it. But Derek has made over K with a gross profit of K selling t-shirts online in a pretty short period of time and in this interview he shares how he did it. Enjoy the episode! Hoow if you enjoy this podcast, please leave me a review on iTunes, and if you want to learn how to start your own online business, be sure to sign up for my free 6 day mini course, where I show you how my wife and Geg managed to make over K in profit in our first year of business. So go to mywifequitherjob. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family, and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host, Steve Chou. Now Derek is actually someone who I met at the eCommerceFuel Live Conference, and it was actually pretty random how we started talking. I found out that the screen saver on his computer was like a running count of his age, and I took notice of that and we just started chatting. As luck would have it Derek was selling t-shirts at the time and making a killing doing it.
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Now Derek has actually made over K with a gross profit of K selling t-shirts online in a pretty short period of time which is pretty crazy to me. Tk Derek is working on a lot of different projects right now, but I kind of want to dig deep on how he managed to make such large profit selling t-shirts online. With that welcome to the show Derek how are you doing today man? Derek: How I came up with selling t-shirts, I was living in Vietnam at the time.
I will guard your email with my life.
This is the second time I ever tried Teespring, but my first time writing a Teespring Review. As a designer, this is a fun way to earn extra money designing fun tee shirts and other gear. Teespring is a website where you can design custom tee shirts and other apparel such as hoodies, socks, mugs etc. Once you create a custom design, you can share a link with your friends who can buy your t-shirt design.
I had my tipping point
This post is for those who wish to get started with Facebook ads. This is a totally White Hat method. Step 1: Select a popular Hollywood celeb and create a page filled with memes related to him. Use pictures you think his fans would appreciate. Step 2: Each Hollywood star has his own fan base. While running FB ads, you are going to have the option to select the target audience. They will be visible once you type the name of the star.
What You’ll Learn
Alright, time has come to let you know how to make as much money as you want with Teespring. This is the most important part of this business, and yes, promoting the shirts afterwards is vital, yet creating cool designs is what will actually sell them. You will need photoshop and I mean it. Do NOT try mediocre designs, they will not sell! Once you start making cash you can even hire a professional designer and pay them to create even better looking tees. Once you become good at it you can charge more, just play with it and see what works best for you. If a design sells very well, then duplicate that campaign or create a similar one but this time charge more. You might have already read about pasting your campaign links in groups or pages or whatever. You need paid marketing to run profitable campaigns, and more specifically — Facebook ads. Sure, you can build some viral page, a bulldog fan club for example, and sell bulldog tees every now and then, but to run a long lasting, constantly profiting Teespring business, you need ads. Facebook traffic is cheap and extremely well targeted which is all you need. You can try custom audiences , although FB had enough of it and disapproves them when run with teespring campaigns. If you wanna use custom audiences anyway, use your own domain s.
Other Resources And Books
If you ask me, what is the easiest way to make money ni then my answer would be — TeeSpring! That sounds crazy, Right? Before proceeding further, let me introduce you to teespring. It is an online marketplace of T Shirts where you can buy Tees of your choice. You can either customize yourself or buy ready-made garments.
To begin with, you need to open a new account through this link. Monye the quality of material high quality means higher price. Now set your goal, means how much t shirts you want to print. Nothing to explain much here, pretty simple. Just go with 20 to 50 number. Just customize them however you ma,e at no extra cost. Now edit the price the way you want.
I will recommend to go with lesser price. This is time to apply your creativity. If your design is truly fantastic, then you will bank hard. To make this a bit simple, I will suggest you to do these startex. Want to earn even more? Then just visit our online money starred thread.
I have designed a mug and campaigned but i would like to know kn how they send money to my account … i have not given any information about my ro to teespring. Suppose, u mone your t-shirt and launch a campaign, and if I choose to sellsay 10 t-shirts, and if no one buys it, will I have to pay my money as I had losses. If yes, I would back out in designing the t-shirts and showing my art to the world. Thanks a lot. Which payment are you talking about?
Fantastic idea. But you gave me a path to go for earning by sitting at home. Can u plz show me in screenshot whr can i find it? All you need to do is keep on experimenting on design. You can speed up the process with youtube commenting or through facebook ads. Username or Email Address. Don’t have an account?
Follow us facebook twitter. Sharing is Caring! What do you think? Total votes: 0 Upvotes: 0 Upvotes percentage: 0. You can use Facebook ads to boost your sales. Yes, but you need to cross minimum threshold amount for getting paid. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Search for: Search. Hey there! Close of.
Making Money with TeeSpring
Are you creative and eager to make money selling designs that you have created on t-shirts? Teespring makes it easy and fast to sell t-shirts with your design that can then be sold for profit. You might be worried that selling t-shirts online is going to be a complex process. You can get started with either a Google account or Facebook. The next step is to select the type of Tee that you want to see.
Taking advantage of the resources available to me
This will depend on the product that you are interested in creating with your design. You will then be able to select this t-shirt to sell or add to a listing how to get started in teespring and make money you might already have set up. You can upload files up to 50Mb to add to the front or back of the tee. You will also be able to include text and change the color as. As such, you will be able to create a completely unique design that will only be available from your listing. The more unique your design is, the more it will stand out and appeal to buyers. As this stage, you can also select the pricing that you want for your tee. The launcher shows exactly how much profit you will make hw a particular price. Once you have a design, you need to create the listing. You can select a title, description teeapring a URL, you will also be able to select the type of images that you want to show to your buyers. Once you hit publish, the listing will be live and your t-shirt teepring be available to purchase from the store. You can then add your design to more than 50 products and add as many as you like to your listing. One of the reasons you might be put off setting up your own t-shirt business is the issue with handling customers. Well, with Teespring, this is taken care of.
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