Greg Myre. But the actual figure is considerably lower. When talking about his reaction to the missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, President Trump has emphasized weapons deals between the U. NPR national security correspondent Greg Myre is here to talk a closer look at that number. Hi, Greg. MYRE: No, it is not. The president seems to be mixing some old contracts, some current contracts and some hoped-for contracts. We spoke to some people who study this, including Bruce Riedel at the Brookings Institution. So they — that was in the — that ballpark. But those contracts are mostly completed by. And here’s what Riedel said when I asked him about the state of sales with the current administration. Do we know how much the Saudis actually do spend, are currently spending on weapons from the U.
The relationship between major military allies the United States and Saudi Arabia has come under intense scrutiny as Turkey asserted that the kingdom was behind the disappearance of a prominent journalist last seen entering Riyadh’s consulate in Istanbul. The U. On Wednesday, Trump appeared to dismiss lawmakers’ concerns about continuing to provide military assistance to Saudi Arabia, the leading international buyer for U. Still, Saudi Arabia leads the list for U. The Trump administration has boosted sales to Saudi Arabia despite criticism at home and abroad regarding the war in Yemen, where a Saudi-led coalition has been accused of war crimes as it struggles to defeat a Zaidi Shiite Muslim rebel group known as Ansar Allah, or the Houthis. In August, the protracted conflict in Yemen—which the United Nations described as the «world’s worst humanitarian crisis»—received rare prominence in Western headlines when a Saudi coalition air strike hit a school bus, killing about 54 people, most of them children, in the northern Houthi-held city of Saada. The bomb used in the attack, for which Saudi Arabia later apologized, was believed to have been provided by the U. Such incidents, along with Saudi How much money does the us make selling weapons potential role in the fate of Khashoggi and other dissenting voices in the kingdom, have compelled legislators to question continued U. On Wednesday, a bipartisan group of senators wrote a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in which they criticized the Trump administration for certifying Saudi Arabia and the UAE for weapons sales last month because «the Saudi coalition has failed to adopt some U. The graphic below by Statista shows the top recipients of U. Others called for a closer look into the relationship between Trump’s own family and the ruling monarchy in Riyadh.
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As Trump has failed to appoint or even nominate an ambassador to Saudi Arabia, he has heavily relied on Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and senior adviser, to deal with the Arabian Peninsula state, which was one of the few countries to support Trump’s decision to abandon a nuclear deal with Iran. Kushner was reportedly instrumental in convincing U. With Khashoggi’s suspicious vanishing prompting a tepid response from the administration, calls for a review of the U. The Trump administration also must answer why it has so closely aligned America’s policy in the Middle East with Saudi Arabia over the past year.
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A recent Chicago Council survey shows the Trump administration out of step with public opinion. They are more supportive to allied countries with one exception, he said. But as an issue, the president in particular has raised weapons sales as sort of the be all and end all of our relationship with Saudi Arabia. The U. President Trump has often cited jobs as a major reason to export arms. By using this service you agree not to post material that is obscene, harassing, defamatory, or otherwise objectionable. Although Defenseone. Subscribe Receive daily email updates: Subscribe to the Defense One daily. Be the first to receive updates. Most Read 1. Don’t Miss. Show Comments Loading Hide Comments. Close [ x ] More from DefenseOne.
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Probably a lot from «this is it» sales. It depends on how their contract is structured. Asked in Newspapers and Magazines How do newspaper make money? Sales of the paper, and selling advertisement space. Governments do not make money, they just tax mobey citizens. Asked in Fable video game How do you make money in Fable 2? Trending Questions.
Sell weapons, clothes, munitions via Army Contracting Command (ACC) — Eric Coffie
Through the Foreign Military Sales process, the U. What had not been released until now sellling the total direct commercial sales, the process through which foreign customers can directly buy systems from industry. Sign up for the Early Bird Brief, the defense industry’s most comprehensive news and information, straight to your inbox. By giving us your email, you are opting in to the Early Bird Brief. Still, the official expressed confidence that as the CAT policy is enacted, it will lead to a natural growth in sales.
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How moeny, however, is hard to nail. Thanks to both the CAT changes and export reform efforts beginning under the Obama administration, there thee more options for countries wfapons use direct commercial sales, or DCS, for their procurements. Aaron Mehta is Deputy Editor and Senior Pentagon Correspondent for Defense News, covering policy, strategy and acquisition at the highest levels of the Department of Defense and its international partners. Sign up for our Early Bird Brief How much money does the us make selling weapons the defense industry’s most comprehensive news and information straight to your inbox. For more newsletters click. Fear of missing out? Thanks for signing up.
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