The year-old, who features in a new documentary out Friday about the mmoney propensity to lie and cheat, spoke to the Guardian about the unavoidable interplay between organized crime and pro sports, and how the NBA should come clean for what it is: star-driven entertainment rather than on-the-level athletic competition. You were the son of a college ref as. How much did this influence your decision to go into the officiating business? If you could do it over again, would you? I would definitely do it over again, and I saw how successful my dad was in officiating, and I saw the friendships that he made through officiating and the fun that he actually had while working. So I knew it was something that I was going to pursue, and I just wanted to pursue it ownerd a higher level. So, for the most part everybody looks at it as it is a business, but we all looked at it also as it was a form of entertainment, and media messages in sports makes owners more money needed to make sure that the players were able to be put on a stage and succeed. How different or similar are the rules that the spectator knows relative to the rules that the NBA and its officials and those operating the league play by? To set the record straight, there have been conflicting reports about your own athletics career. You went to Villanova.
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Last month, Major League Baseball commissioner Rob Manfred addressed something that observers had been whispering about the entire first two months of the season: There were suddenly a lot fewer people going to Major League Baseball games. Last year mesia the sixth consecutive season that fewer people had attended MLB games than they had before, but the first two months were a steep drop even from the nadir: A whopping 10 percent drop from the same time period last year. But it is worth mqkes that Manfred, while concernedwas not appreciably alarmed. And part of this is because attendance like TV ratings, for that matter is down for most sports, from the NFL to the NHL to, in splrts, major college athletics. NBA attendance was actually up last yearfor the fourth straight year. Part of this is because this downward swing was rather easy to see coming and, all told, is still not that dramatic; attendance is still up by more than 17 million fans a year from An increasingly small percentage of all that revenue came from attendance. The NFL attributes most of its improvement to a new Thursday Night Football television package and increased media payments from other properties. Knowing that, how much would you sweat attendance numbers? This has obviously not historically been the case. He had to hustle. That is clearly not the case today.
Players are all about the money.
And even as a nostalgic traditionalist, I have to admit, there are some actual benefits to this new approach. The Astros, to take one example, were essentially okay with nobody watching them for three years because they were making enough revenue elsewhere and thus could focus on building for the future. That future just won their franchise their first World Series. Even the MLS is evolving ib because of its new television meswages. The mkney plan for the league for much of its first 20 years was to bring in older players from European leagues and use them as messagez attractions for the most casual fan, which brought some mlre spikes but at cost of the reputation of the league, which was seen as an American retirement home for past-their-prime stars. The short-term money allowed for long-term growth: that is, after all, how capitalism is supposed to work. The only potential hang-up: attendance issues become a long-term problem rather than a short-term one. Right now the smart money is in all these media contracts, but any sports fan knows that the true iron of lifelong dedication to a team or a sport is forged from the in-person nessages media will change, but the sport itself will not.
Support for payment of college athletes split along racial lines, poll finds
Professional sports , as opposed to amateur sports , are sports in which athletes receive payment for their performance. Professional athleticism has come to the fore through a combination of developments. Mass media and increased leisure have brought larger audiences, so that sports organizations or teams can command large incomes. Baseball originated before the American Civil War — First played on sandlots in particular, scoring and record-keeping gave baseball gravity. In , the first professional baseball league was created. After several leagues came and went in the 19th century, the National League founded in and American League recognized as a major league in were established as the dominant leagues by the early 20th century.
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Earlier this summer I took my wife and two-year old daughter to a minor league baseball game. In between innings there was a contest on the field involving several contestants racing on bouncy inflatable horses. After several seconds of the pitcher just standing out mqkes the rubber, the umpire finally turned around and waved toward the press box to cut the music.
A couple weeks later I was listening to a Major League Baseball game on the radio, and the broadcaster stated that everyone on the field was ready to go, they were just waiting on someone to cut the music. I shook my head once again sporgs drew the conclusion that the product on the field is only part of the attraction at a professional sports venue.
All the Yes points: Players are all about the money. Quality player performance benefits. All the No points: The essence of sport is base Need to owbers well to get the money Sideshows and promotions generate extra revenue.
We love our sports. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email. Players are all about the money. Players unions have made playing for the love of the game, a thing of the past.
I remember my dad always talking about Cal Ripken and how much he respected that he was with the same organization his entire career. That kind of loyalty is hard to find now, mostly because of the players unions wanting ,edia to get as much money as possible. That way, a comparable player can also get a similar salary.
It also seems like players are always more motivated in their walk year, or the last year of their contract. However, the fans — the ones fueling the revenue engine in the first place — are the ones who inevitably feel the crunch. When salaries rise, so do ticket prices. When negotiations stall and makss hang in the balance, the fans are forced to sit and wait. No because Team owners are often more concerned about the bottom line than winning championships.
However, if the team fails to put a decent product on the field it will have a substantial impact on that organizations profits. It is rare for bad teams to draw decent crowds.
Nobody wants to tune in everyday to watch their favorite team get beat. There are a few teams in baseball that have a rich history, and draw well regardless of how the team is doing, but they are the exception. Even if the team is bad, and a certain player is excelling, it is beneficial. If a statistical milestone is close to being achieved, or a rookie player is having an incredible year, it helps to put fans in the stands. It obviously would help with TV ratings, jersey sales, concessions, and ticket sales.
For the player, quality performance may help land an endorsement deal or a big contract once they hit the free agent market. The essence of sport is base Messagges, sports have has an increase on the profits and sponsorship but that ios part of the normal evolution of any activity and it’s not alarming, However, we think that those few athletes that gain those huge profits are those athletes that before that have had great sporting results. Those arthletes that have huge contracts have been those with great results during the last decade such as Tiger Woods or Michael Schucmacher.
To think profit comes before results is false. Yes because What’s been said is partially true but some points have not been considered. For example, English footballers get paid so much and then they perform appalling in the World Cup; the biggest stage ij football. In contrast, one of the best English player’s wages summed up to the entire Germany squad’s wages. Furthermore, the English squad automatically become cocky and think they are too good because they have got money.
If the English team got paid like the Germany squad did, I know that they would have got further than they did. The justification of this is if you have lower wages, you work harder when you play football. With lower wages, different factors come into consideration.
Paying the mortgage! Paying bills! Providing for your family! Buying luxurious items! Increasing your standard of living! Respecting your manager so he pays you. Overall, sports in general haven’t become more about making money than playing.
However, football definitely is more about making money than playing to your ability! Need to play well to get the money While sports may be increasingly about money they still are as much about playing. Sports fans know what their sport looks like when it is played well and if the level of skill involved in playing was declining they would probably pay less attention and so spend less money on the sport.
Money therefore acts as an insentive to keep standards of play as high as possible. It is due to this that we begin to have immense amounts of money going around to buy the best players in many sports. Sideshows and promotions generate extra revenue. My wife is from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Soccer is the only sport she knows. She could not tell you which bag is first base.
In football and basketball, the cheerleaders are the obvious distraction and secondary form of entertainment. Secondary entertainment and promotions may often be the deciding factor in a casual fan deciding whether or not to attend a game. Especially in baseball. Messsages sports teams will always be looking to capitalize and earn as much profit as possible throughout the course of the season.
There will be sideshows, promotions, cheerleaders, inch hot dogs with fried ice cream, gimmicks, souvenirs, and everything else that comes with attending a pro sporting event. The love that we have for our sports makes all this possible. The better the product on the field, the more opportunity to maximize revenue.
For players, the better their performance, the more their worth. As long as we as fans continue to love our sports, there will be dollars to be. At the foundation, the roots, the origin of everything for these people, I believe…lies passion for a game they love. Related Debates: The money we spend on our Olympic medal count is money well spent Sports — Spots Prize Money for Men and Women The government should provide more money to fund science Is it selfish to have more than two children?
The reason being that athletes have no ownrrs at all. This gives more power to coaches, who hardly benefits a player players can easily know more than coachesbut can easily destroy there career. Also, marketing and news companies can destroy a players image by invading their privacy and creating rumors or scandals, causing a player to lose focus on his game and more worried about what people think about them; happens all the time. They could give a damn about a beautiful game or match as long as they keep making money.
I think there is too much money in sport, and to get lots of money you messagea to perform mkre. Growing up the Olympics was strictly amateur and this made it a worth while contest, since the change and making it professional drugs have spofts into it, so athletes perform and get higher sponsorship.
As for football tv rights, sponsorship, should provide enough money for a club to run, thus could lower admission fees, and crowds would increase. All the Yes points:. All the No points:. Most reacted comment. Hottest comment thread. Notify of. We would love to hear what you think — please leave a comment! Category: Sports.
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Sports are ownerw to promote newspaper sales, to sell advertising space, and to win lucrative con tracts for television and radio. In turn, the media help to sell spectator sports and attendant sports-related consumer products to the public. Coakley, Sport maakes Society. It seems ironic, but ,akes periodic commercial annoyances that interrupt TV sports programs are the key to the presence of sports on television. Everyone who thinks about it realizes that the viewers support the program.
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What’s less obvious is the way sports advertising reflects the class structure of American society. Sports became attractive to advertisers because of a few crucial demographic facts. To begin with, American males between 18 and 49 don’t watch as much television as other groups. But they do watch sports. Therefore mddia have become a palatable and profitable way to capture their attention. This crucial audience, then, is further subdivided into sports for the masses the big three — football, baseball and basketballand sports for the classes — «upper crust» activities like tennis and golf which provide a berth for life insurance and personal computer ads aimed at the middle and upper class. Since advertisers pay the piper, they get to name the tune.
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