Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. Aeonir View Profile View Posts. Showing 1 — 15 of 35 comments. Tankfriend View Profile View Srthur. In the end, you’ll make more money than before, and get the villagers happy and prosperous, which will increase the number of recruits you can .
Reset all filters. Mode: Both Singleplayer Multiplayer. New Updated Other. Compatible game version:. What is this? All of the mods are listed on the TaleWorlds Forumwhich is also where this website automatically searches for new information every 30 minutes. Additionally, JabdiMelborn is maintaining some of the mods manually. You are a mod author and want to add your mod to this list? See the «How? For planned features, check the «Plans? How can I add my mod to this list? If you are a mod author and want to add your mod to this list, please follow the steps described in this topic. Who created this? In the community I am known as Darwin.
If you want to contact me for feedback, please do so via PM on the TW Forums or send an email to mail mountandblade-mods. Your thoughts are always welcome! A while back, tyrannicide and I had the idea to do something like .
Good options
Thank you all for your patience awaiting for this next release. I hope you all agree this version is worth the wait. Enjoy 3. See full change log below
Mount&Blade: Warband
Welcome to Age of Arthur!! Set in the time of the Dark Ages, this mod encompass the right balance of historical realism and light fantasy. Journey years before the events of Brytenwalda, a time when Saxon hordes have arrived in England. See a world lost in transition, moving from a time of Rome to a new world ruled by war and chaos. Version 2.
Welcome to Age of Arthur!! Set in the time of the Dark Ages, this mod encompass the right balance of historical realism and light fantasy. Journey years maake the events of Brytenwalda, a time when Saxon hordes have arrived in England.
See a world hoow in transition, moving from a time of Rome to a new world ruled by war and chaos. Version 2. Thought I’d take a break from other projects to give this gift to. Happy holidays from Lady Ashwood. See change log Age of Arthur — version 2. I afe you enjoy, please see change log listed in the below description.
I’m very happy to announce qge Age of Arthur 1. I hope you all have as much fun playing it as I did making it. No articles were found matching the criteria specified. We suggest you try the article list with no anv applied, to browse all available. Join now to share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments.
Hey all, please enjoy the latest, and possibly final update of Age of Arthur. I will be getting back to work on another completely different mod for you Artuur lonely missing texture file that needs to go into you Age of Arthur textures folder. Simply copy and moung. For those who haven’t downloaded 3. Those with 3. Seems that 3. Thank you ajd for your patience awaiting for this next release.
I hope you all agree this version is worth the wait. Enjoy 3. Go full change log below No files were found matching the criteria specified. We suggest you try the file list with no filter applied, to browse all available. This comment is currently awaiting admin approval, join now to view. This mod is extremely laggy during battles. I did not experience such in Blood Eagle neither in Dark Age mods and in most of other mods in which these «realistic battles» settings exist while blafe with huge battle sizes.
I have exact same issues Yes, I noticed that too when I played the mod. I played it very often and artjur it, one of the best mods for sure.
But when the battles started to lag, I stopped playing the mod. Its unplayable with laggy battles. You can easy lose battles because of that lag.
Please, can someone fix this? I really wanna play the mod. Only registered members can share their thoughts. So come on! Join the community today totally free — or sign in with your social account on the right and join in the conversation. I would pay for this as DLC. It’s probably late beta arhur far as bugs go, but the content is fantastic : The author started with vanilla.
This is not a submod. Want magic? Want mount and blade age of arthur how to make money dark age era world free of magic, but full of danger and opportunity? It seems like there will be further updates, so it can only get better. The Author seems to have gotten bored with…. Dark ages. RSS Articles. New Feature List Feb 9 News 39 comments. Dec 26 News 1 comment Version 2. Mar 16 News 7 comments I’m mzke happy to announce the Age of Arthur 1.
FAQ Feb 8 News 41 comments Please refer to this file before emailing, it will be updated as we go RSS Files. Age of Arthur 4. Age of Arthur 3. AoA 3 2 patch Feb 15 Patch 15 comments Fixes the last remaining bugs with 3. AoA 3. Guest Jan 19 This comment is currently awaiting admin approval, join now to view.
Guest Jan 15 This comment is blare awaiting admin approval, join now to view. SonyaBlade Jan 9 This mod is extremely laggy during battles. Can’t wait to fight for Camelot!
For the Love of Camelot! Anybody know where it’s located? Guest Dec 15 This comment is currently awaiting admin approval, join now to view. Guest Nov 24 This comment is currently awaiting admin approval, join now to view. Post a comment. Sign in or join with:. Wrthur Report Profile. Contact Send Message. Release date Released Apr Mod watch Follow. Community Rating. Average 9. The Author seems to have gotten bored with… Feb 13 by Carniez.
Genre Role Playing. Theme History. Players Single Player. Embed Buttons. Link to Age of Arthur by selecting a button and using the embed code provided more Rank of 40, Visits38 today.
Last Update 11 months ago. Watchers members. Files Articles Reviews You may also like. View All Top Mods. Rise and Fall A. The Holy Empires T.
Building an army — Part 01 — Age of Arthur v2.71 — Mount and Blade Warband
By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. I need to know what the most effective way to earn money is in Mount and Blade for a brand new character is. I don’t want to raid villages however and wouldn’t like to have arthuf lose honor for it. Thanks in advance.
Not-so-good options
You can earn a lot of money by finding tournaments and entering. The tournament reward is usually not too great, but its possible to earn a few thousand denars by betting on. If you place a max bet on yourself each round, you can earn up to If you find a tournament that suits your combat style go for it. However there are other ways of making money. In one game I decide to play as a merchant, I accepted all the quests to collect taxes for lords, you can make blxde 6K from. But when Oc collected the taxes I didn’t bring them to the Lord strait away, I invested it buying goods and building factories usually the one that cost 10K. When I made enough profit I payed back too Lords. I never raid villages. The penalties to your honour, relationship with the village and relationship to the lord who owns the village mean its just not worth it. Whatever story line you imagine for your character, if you want to become an independent king at some point then you’re going to need mount and blade age of arthur how to make money of honour and high relations with a lot of lords. That’s tough if you’ve spent your time up till then monsy villages. Yes tournaments are a good way to make money and win renown and nice equipment but for a brand new character tournaments are going to be pretty challenging. How qnd want to make money will ultimately depend on you character.
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