Log in or Sign up. EverQuest 2 Forums. The Norrathian Herald. News and Announcements Discussions: 1, Messages: 42, Latest: I’m Your New Twihk ProxJan 16, at AM. Latest: Update Notes: Tuesday, AsterixJan 13, at PM. EverQuest 2 Development. Top Bugs. Testing Feedback Discussions: 3 Messages: VunderNov 20,
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Hunters are amongst the most rewarding and fun classes to play in World of Warcraft WoWwhile also being one maek the least difficult to master. In Player vs. Player, they mkae at both ranged damage and Crowd Control CCwith their various traps and specialty shot attacks. They also make excellent scouts. Hunters can be played by members of both factions and have a fair number of available races to choose. Here are the races that Hunters are able to play and the racial traits from those races, that are the best for Twinking a Hunter. There are a lot of professions to choose from, which can make deciding which ones to go with hard. Fortunately, one of the coolest professions is also an absolute necessity for a Twink of any class. What follows is a description of maake of the Professions that should be of interest maje a level 39 Twink Hunter and why.
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For Twinks of any class, this profession is an absolute must-have. Along with all of the engineering gadgets and doodads you get before reaching in engineering, there are some seriously fantastic items at this level that are of extreme use in PvP. Make sure you get all of. This is extremely useful and can quickly turn the tables on any caster in the game. Finally, there is the Arcane Bombwhich absorbs mana and does half of what is absorbed as damage to anyone in range. All of these items are incredibly useful in PvP and are the best engineering has to offer at this level. Not to mention all of the fun fireworks and pet companions you can make. Enchanting is mone the best choice for players moneyy are not supporting their Twink with another character. It has few expensive reagents that must be truly gathered, most being products of disenchanting items you are already likely to pick up. It also offers lucrative selling opportunities with the many materials miney will acquire from breaking down all of the Green and Blue items you do not need. If you are being supplied herbs and reagents by another character, then Alchemy can be an extremely useful Profession to endeavor .
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Discussion in ‘ Level 19 Twinking ‘ started by caice , May 14, Log in or Sign up. Share This Page Tweet. May 14, 1.
While nobody likes the level 19 with the Crusader Enchant, this article is meant to be informative, not a soapbox for denouncing and insulting people whom we disagree with. Some degree of twinking is encouraged by the game; I know my alts always have 4 Runecloth bags waiting for them when they reach town. Nothing is gained by purely point-of-view commentary; readers can evaluate for themselves. In a way, a twink is like a low-level version of an «epic’d out» level 70 character. However, it is quite impossible to have all the equipment that a twink would have without having a high-level alt, because it would be impossible for a character to have all that equipment and still be at that low a level without another source. Money is easily made on the auction house by anyone with a small amount of time to invest even starting with a tiny amount of money. I started on my own with no level 60 characters on a server and now have three twinks 19, 29, and 39 all with purchased libram enchants, AQ enchants, and the best weapon enchants for their class. This needs to be fixed The word «impossible» does not belong.
Anonymous comments are disabled in this journal. Your IP address will be recorded. Recommend this entry Has been recommended Send news. Log in No account? Create an account. Remember me. Facebook VKontakte Google. Previous Share Flag Next. Fair warning, this is a rant. I play on Scarlet Crusade, a role playing server. Some of you may well know that I spent a better part of a month at level 12 as one of the lowest level people in my guild — and I was the guild founder. That being said I’m really sick of all the sour grapes that go around on SC.
I’m 14 year old girl and live in Australia so I’m old enough for a job, but I live in a pretty small city and I’ve already handed in my resume to everywhere possible about 2 months ago and everyone moeny turned me down or ignored twimk My single parent can’t afford to pay me to do chores or give me pocket money and I don’t expect her to!
She clothes ttwink, feeds me and puts a roof over my head, why should she pay me? Twihk give suggestions in detail! Not just «baby sit, mow lawns, etc» I need detail! Tell me how I should approach people, should I have fliers, do I monej a permit to do this? Also monsy don’t tell me to wait to hear back from the places I put my resume in because I need money now as I’m saving to buy my mum a Twinnk Christmas present and it’s really expensive.
I have no money and no way of making money so I need your help! Oh also I forgot to mention I can’t sell anything second hand my family likes to donate unwanted items to the poor so I can’t sell old clothes. And my city is kind of know for child snatching so if I gave out fliers and got a call from a creeper and went to their house believing they had a job for me I could be in trouble And as I said above I’ve been waiting for 2 months and called back almost everyone — all I get is the usual «we’ll call you soon» and then they never do Aa flyers and put them in your neighbors mailboxes, post at local stores ask.
Tell people you are responsible, hard working and that you are trying to earn money to buy your mom a gift. Charge a fair price, but not too. You could walk dogs, babysit, petsit, wash cars, garden. I would first find out the legal age inwhich u r eligible 2 work.
Maybe 14 is too young, at least in the states it is. It’s what happened with my last and current job, and im still employed sadly cuz retail sucks. I dunno how it works in australia, but in the states we have websites like ebay and amazon where u can sell things and ship it to ppl for money, so if mqke have unwanted clothes or things u could twinl it cuz twihk might acn it, thousands of ppl moneey these sites daily.
Well you could babysit children around where you live. Maybe create some fliers saying your name and number and maybe your hourly rate. Put them up everywhere possible like shops and stuff. I’m really sorry I don’t really have any more ideas bit hope this helps a little. Are you saving up for something? A vehicle. Are you sturdy at saving money? Do you have any tips for different infants approximately money?
Do you bypass procuring plenty? Do you have a financial employer account? Rake leaves for neighbors, cut grass, babysitting is ur best bet. Not many jobs for a 14 year old. Trending News.
Cruise line: Video shows man knew window was open. Social media onslaught after McGregor’s swift win. Florida python hunters wrestle invasive snakes. Duane Chapman: It’s ‘a lot harder now without Beth’. People feeling streaming fatigue, analyst says. Common not twnik know of your non-Hodgkin lymphoma? Behind Conor McGregor’s fearsome return. Trump mocks ‘foolish’ plans for NYC sea wall. Thank you :. Update 2: Oh also I forgot to mention I can’t sell anything second hand my family likes to donate unwanted items moneg the poor so I can’t sell old clothes.
Answer Save. Vice Lv 5. It’s what happened with my last and current job, and im still employed sadly cuz retail sucks I dunno how it works in australia, but in the states we have websites like ebay and amazon where u can sell things and ship it to ppl for money, so if u have unwanted clothes or things u could sell can i make money as a twink cuz ppl might buy it, thousands of ppl browse these sites daily. For a 14 yr old tho u dont have many options :. How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
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On one hand I can see demand going up in later phases when people actually start gearing and playing twinks. On the other hand, supply will go up with time as well, especially if people are holding onto the items to sell in those later phases. So, have you guys been selling your twink items or sitting on them? I solo farmed SFK for a few times to knock off the remaining gold I needed.
I even advertised, my need for gold now is your future gain, but item X for X gold and be rich when battle grounds are open. I found a few while farming and have them in the bank for future sales. The supply may be higher then, but demand will be even higher than. Removal of layers will further limit supply. Save now; sell later. Im holding a few that are really good like Tigerstrike Mantle and selling the others for a few gold because thats the market on Thalnos Horde. Enough people are aware the items only use is bank space or to help with leveling so prices are low.
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