I often read these statements with a mix of emotions: disbelief, incredulity, and then, inevitably, guilt. Is it really wrongas in a sin to make money blogging? Is that the implication of what these statements and blog posts are saying? Am I wrong for wanting to work full time as a Christian blogger and turn this into a business? You have all of these dreams and goals of taking your blog to the next level but that guilt holds you. I wanted to write this post for you. If christian blogs that make money are feeling guilty for wanting to turn your Christian blog into a full-time business, then please keep reading because I think you will find this post encouraging. Unless you do odd jobs here and there, chances are you work for a business if you have a job. How amazing would it be if more Christian bloggers were so successful that they could not only provide for their families but could also hire a team of people who could then provide for their families? She was so successful that she was a homeowner no small feat for a woman in any era and she was clearly the leader of those who lived in her house.
First you have to understand that there is no single way to monetize blogs. You can find hundreds of articles on the different ways to do it. We hate them when we visit other sites. But we love them on our. The key is to find the right balance for you. But if you go to my other blog HappySonship. The downside of this method is that you need to commit time to manage the whole process with the advertiser and that your site chrisstian to have a lot of traffic to be considered by advertisers. You can start by promoting with business that already know you and trust you. I personally use Amazon Affiliates and make most of my money by promoting books that I read and love. I have also connected with different companies that I already utilize for my blogs and I promote their products. I can make money by giving chrlstian the tools that helped me make money. If they buy, then you get a commission.
Don’t wait to find the right niche blogs that make money.
Every blogger should have a store. I sell books and audio downloads in. And Shopify is the best option on the market.
2. Choose Affiliates that Support Your Message
Blogging for me has been something that has changed my life forever! I started out simply obeying God out of duty, rather than from the heart, and the more I got into it, the more I fell in love. I fell in love with all of you. Inspiring you to go after your dreams, to take a chance and go for it…. Not about the money, but how He is using me to help others. How He is building my life up, this blog, and all of you at the same time. You have no idea where He can take you when you place your trust and faith in Him and obey Him! If you want to know more about the details of the income, where it comes from, where it goes, etc. Even if it takes you 5 years to get there, getting there is still worth it! A guide to helping you make all the upfront decisions before starting a blog and How to Start a Blog the Easy Way , where I take you step by step and show you in the video tutorial, how to set up a blog for yourself. You can find those posts here:.
Rekindle Your Quiet Time by Doing 5 Things
Money and God can get funky…fast. But for me personally, making money on a Christian blog has been by far the most heart-wrenching task of all the blogging tasks I have. Well, that only lasts for a little while. This is a lot easier said than done. We are Proverbs 31 women, in charge of the home. These affiliate items help us fulfill our God-given calling. As a blogger, you are a content creator.
10 Ways To Grow Your Traffic And Reach (Video, Ideas And Links)
This blog post is sooo overdue. This post contains affiliate links. This helps me to work in Ministry full-time and cover the expenses of this blog. My stats are quite small and simple:. Not that impressive for a blog that has been around christiqn more than 2 years. But apparently it is in the Christian Blogging community. And it took me a while to understand. As a Christian Blogger, we all know how hard it is to blog because we have way more things to keep in mind.
Integrity, theology, and humility. I write it in order to tell people about Christ and his love for. That bears much more responsibility than simply sharing a few tips and tricks. Oh man, maje me cristian was not easy and certainly did not happen overnight. It took me exactly one year until I received my first check if we disregard the few dollars I made on Amazon.
I only really started monetizing my faith blog once I was accepted into Mediavine. An advertising network, that bloggers can join once their traffic hits 25, blogd within a 30 day period.
See, in order to hit 25, sessions in a month, you need to have at least sessions per day. That means different people need chrixtian visit your blog in one day.
That is wild! For someone who was used to seeing maybe people that sounded impossible. I posted that post in June and it took off. Within a few days, I was suddenly at viewers per day and shocked. I immediately started piggybacking of the post and wrote a few more posts that talked about being single, dating and relationships.
A topic I am quite familiar. After 6 weeks I finally hit 25, sessions per month and applied for Mediavine. I had purchased e-books, courses and other stuff to learn about blogging. Because no bllgs how good of a writer you are, blogging especially Christian blogging, is not easy. There are techniques and principles you need to understand in order to craft practical and informative content. Here is:. Sounds great at first, until you realize the constraints of the offer.
Monney you use a free blog alternative it means that your blog website cannot have your own domain. Instead of yourblog. Looks ugly and makes choosing a name pretty complicated. The ads are run by WordPress and not by you. Furthermore, you cannot use third-party ad networks like Mediavine or AdThrive.
The last and worst thing about using a free blog alternative is that you do not own your blog. You have a login code and password, but at any given time the provider could decide to remove your website from the world wide web.
While I do understand when people with a personal blog choose that option, you definitely do not want to use a free blog host if you intend to monetize your blog. If you are serious about setting up a blog, then you want to use a self-hosted blog. All you need for that is to choose a hosting provider, decide on a domain name and install WordPress.
As mentioned above I always suggest you use a self-hosted platform for your Christian blog. That gives you full control and ownership of your blog. You get to design and brand your online appearance as you like and can expand the capabilities whenever needed. Nevertheless, a self-hosted platform will require an initial investment of time and money. Such as finding a third-party host, paying for themes, plugins and security and of course implementing and maintaining the makf.
There are multiple hosting platforms that new bloggers can choose from such as Bluehost, GoDaddy, HostGator and many. They all promise the same results as providers and are beginner-friendly. With Bluehostbloogs up your Christian blog literally only takes 5 minutes. Before you gather any stones, hear me. I believe that each of our lives are our ministry, but not mobey of us are ministers, right? In the same way, your blog can be your ministry but be about something else than ministry.
If you were blessed with great cooking skills, you could have a food blog. The number one way to create great content is to present solutions to existing problems. When you are able to share practical and useful content with your readers, only then will they be interested in what you have to say. But before you are able to create valuable content you need to decide on your blogging niche. So how do you actually find your niche? I wrote a Devotional more than a year ago that actually deals with that exact question.
I highly recommend you sign up for it here and download it. To make it more clear. What are things you are good at and passionate about? If you are not sure, ask the people around you. Your mother, your friends or your co-workers might be able to tell you.
When it comes to creating your Christian blog, no matter if you blog about Christianity or not, you should choose a niche based on the following 3 things. Number 1 and 2 are fairly simple points I believe, but number 3 might need some explaining. Carly is a mommy blogger that blogs about everything an expecting mom might need. From post-partum to work-from-home jobs. She is obviously passionate about it because she is a mother christizn and wants to help others figure blosg motherhood.
Pretty cool huh! It will help you to figure out how to start a Christian blog and what to focus on. Not Instagram, not Facebook and not Youtube. Before starting my Christian blog, I did not even know what Pinterest really. All I knew was that my best friend had a wedding board on it, where she stored all her dream wedding details. Including that it is the single most effective search engine if you want to drive traffic to your blog… fast.
And in order to do so, you need to create a Pinterest account, learn how to design Pins and decide on a Pinteresting Strategy. When I first started I decided that I would only pin manually.
And if you start off by pinning with a scheduler you will most likely spend less time on Pinterest and miss out on valuable lessons, like:. In it, she teaches a detailed pinning strategy for both manual and scheduled pinning. In Pinteresting Strategiesshe goes over seemingly very detailed information on how to create attention-grabbing Pins, master Pinterest Keyword analysis and uses Google Analytics to create multiple viral pins. She does that with a lot of width and fun and if you subscribe to her Newsletter you will quickly learn that she is a Christian.
Whoop whoop. If you have been stagnant in your blogging success for a while, definitely check out her Pinterest e-book. The goal here is to create content that ranks high on those search engines and can be found by Googlers. Because people that search for something on Google are already looking for the content you provide and therefore highly crhistian once they find the answer on your blog.
These readers tend boogs subscribe to your newsletter, buy your products and use your affiliate links. Which is how you make money as a Christian blogger. However, SEO is one of the more challenging skills to learn when you first start out as a blogger. On-page SEO refers to everything you can do to improve your own blog. It entails things like improving site speed, optimizing keywords for your blog posts and interlinking blog posts so that readers stay on your site longer.
You can find a lot of information on that online for free or take courses by successful bloggers to learn how to master it.
Here you are required to find ways to link to your website from other domains in order to increase domain authority. Sorry another big word, feel free to read up on what domain authority is.
I hesitated for a long time before buying it, because a lot of times in the blogging world people will endorse a product just so that they can make money from their commissions. Within just 3 months I started ranking on page 1 of Google for multiple high-traffic keywords, which brought in tons of more traffic.
Because a lot of traffic means higher ad income, which is a nice way to make money as a Christian blogger without working 40 hours a week. The 3 main ways to monetize your blog are advertising, affiliate marketing, and selling products. Each one has its pros and cons and highly depends on what type of Christian blog you. As I makw before I started using Mediavine, an advertising network, in August But switched to AdThrive, another advertising network, in However, in the beginning every blogger will start out with Google AdSense, which unfortunately barely pays.
The big advertising networks, however, like Mediavine and AdThrive work with advertisers that are willing to pay top dollar for exposure to your readers.
It can…here are 4 ways you can make money as a Christian Blogger. You can only make money as a Christian Blogger by serving your audience. Meaning, anything you recommend or sell should serve your readers. There are several ways to make money as a Christian Blogger by serving your readers. These include, e-books, affiliate marketing, digital courses, ad space.
The Tools You Need To Succeed Online
But which one is right for you? How long should you wait till you monetize your blog? Growing and monetizing your Christian Blog is a process…not a sprint. Just trust the process and put in the work. Remember…take your time and give yourself grace. If you enjoy writing and have a good niche…consider writing an e-book. I believe e-books are one of mojey best ways for Christian Bloggers to monetize their blog. An e-book is a chrjstian book that someone can buy and then immediately download from your site. Maybe take some of your old blog posts, rewrite, re-edit, and repurpose them into an e-book that you can sell on your site. People will pay for an e-book…even if some of the content in that e-book is found on the same website for free. The reason people will pay is because the e-book has all the information gathered together in one convenient place…instead forcing the customer to search through old blog archives trying to find all the relevant posts.
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