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Do you have at least K Zack dollars as an owner? If no, go back to step 1. With your K capital, make a backup of your save to a USB storage. Play roulette and fill the left side of the table. Did you win?
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Anyways, I hear it’s a bit of a grind and I was wondering what’s the best way to earn money fast? Games been out for a while there has to be a best strat. Relaxing by the poolside, wearing a favorite suit, and having a partner with 2 notes or more of affection or whatever its called. You can max out your satisfaction in less than 14 days normally. You can finish a vacation in 15 minutes or less.
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Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Fortune
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User Info: Falcyonis. User Info: Ad-vice. Not really. The results are random and usually not in your favor. No it will always reset. Last I heard there were no plans to bring any more VV girls, but you never know if you think about it; it could cut into VV’s profits to sell them at a flat insanely cheap price by comparison. The full version is exactly the same as the free version besides not having access to the Casino for free. They never added any new activities to Fortune years ago, so there’s no precedent.
No, you can unlock an ending scene for each girl where they pretty much just thank you and say goodbye. There’s no interaction between girls or story scenes. You don’t have to unless you want to complete certain random missions that require it you can quit those missions to get a different one if you even bother doing those extra missions.
It can get boring once you know all the ins and outs, but you can just play any time to relax. In Girl mode you can earn a ton of cash by winning Volleyball, but after you buy a girls’ collection for herself there’s not much use for girl earned money girl to girl gifting can be a real pain. It’s as boring as it sounds, but it is the fastest most efficient way to get Owner Money. As the Owner you can spam Gifts from the Hotel that if rejected return still wrapped, and you can send them right back without having to pay half their cost to rewrap.
Eventually anything will be kept by the girls. Eventually that’s what the grind part of the game can come down to. Thanks for the answers and the tips! Happy gaming! User Info: goukipau. Savescumming the roulette is for Switch by far the best method to earn money, when done correctly. Other method to earn ownermoney is to skip vacations and due the long loadtimes and amount of work you need to put in to get a decent amount, sacescumming will beat it all day on ‘normal’ luck.
Playing for fun!! User Info: Ulysses How do you save scum on switch? Maybe it is better on the Switch. Have you done the actual math? I would be interested to know the actual numbers, but I can’t test them myself since I don’t have the full version. PSRQ also works for the level grinding while making easy money. User Info: tvcom2. Ad-vice posted Talking about PS4 version.
I suspect you are doing savescumming a little wrong. When scumming you should never spend several minute down and win your way back up. Always bet big min k, for Blackjack if you lose once for Roulette, twice in BJ you can bet one last time on Roulette because Roulette can win back 2x cover the one lost bet and then.
Either way you are definitely banking the win or cancelling the loss, after at most 3 minutes real-time of casino activities. And don’t wait for reaching the cap to bank your win. The quickness of scumming well within 60 seconds, I use USB drive makes it efficient to bank a win as small as k or cancel a loss in the k range.
I actually spent 5 seconds to consider if I should bank or keep betting. I kept betting end up losing it. But either way was actually fine. The 5 seconds wasted on thinking was time wasted. For us mortals with bunch of girls at or below excitement lvl Casino scumming is far more efficient for money making and easy to work into enjoying the vacations «normally».
Maybe I just don’t understand how to grind the girls level? I always thought PSRQ is effective only after you maxed excitement level. So while I am leveling up the girls not exactly grinding it with commitment I might casino scum myself some money for a few opportunistic sexy suits gifting. Either way you are definitely banking the win or scumming to undo the lost, after at most 3 minutes real-time of casino activities.
The quickness of scumming well within 60 seconds, I use USB drive makes it efficient to bank a win as small as k. I see, you are also using Blackjack. You could exit to save after each win, but you still had to go back to continue if you fall shy of the goal. To level a Girl you just have to complete Vacations with. No extra work and you just blast through Vacations to level up. During the x3 Excitement bonus it probably takes around 12 hours to max a Girl with PSRQ without a close partner while also earning a decent chunk of money along the way.
Other ways of leveling are much more slower. During the x3 Excitement bonus it probably takes around 12 hours to max a Girl with PSRQ while also earning a decent chunk of money along the way. Other ways of leveling are. The BJ is beside the point. I mix up BJ and Roulette because of something. The principle of scumming is the same, bank the win if time spent on copying the file to USB is fast compared to how hard to earn that win.
By the same principle cancelling a loss of k is worth it. But for that other reason I think the game wants to see me losing a few I would keep losing up to k before scumming to cancel it. Yes you have to scum more than once to reach cap.
That’s a given right? Back in the day, wasn’t the cap You creep up to it. The point of scumming is max money per real time hours spent right?
It seems to be working less well after your cumulative wins are piling up or cumulative bet? So late game all girls maxed definitely PSRQ is better than save-scum.
The same «back in the day» method is still my fav method. It’s pretty much the same method since the days of X2. Only it’s much less soul-destroying now compared to the bad old days. I didn’t realize you could use PSRQ to grind levels. I kind of did a half-ass version of it when I discovered Hitomi’s birthday event last week. Ran her from level 7 to 80 before the event was. Mostly thanks to several of your posts and Hot-something. My problem.
Falcyonis posted I tried out the free demo and would like some answers before buying or not the full game. My version of answers: 1. Scarlet is supposed to be less money-hungry than Fortune. I only played Fortune for a few weeks. I think for girl money, Volleyball is just fine for money farming. Even a lousy win will get you almost k, plus Sat and Closeness? For owner money, casino for money is a bad idea, casino-scumming is a nice maybe essential supplement until you can PSRQ for big money.
For a while I also thought the same as you. But hey actually what’s wrong with activity before gift? Maybe it’s a Japanese culture hang up, can’t accept gift before knowing. Story-wise, I’d give this game a negative score. It’s not just nothing, it’s worse than. A lot of the spoken lines are also worse than .
DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 — Owner Mode Money Farming Guide (MORE THAN 1 MILLION IN 1 HOUR!)
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet
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Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet
If only we could have some stickied topics User Info: Rammingstone.
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