Everyone knows the tech industry is rich, but it can be challenging to get your head around just how much money it’s minting. Four of the industry’s giants — FacebookMicrosoft, Amazon and Google parent Alphabet — reported unexpectedly large profits this week. A fifth, Apple, releases earnings on Tuesday. These companies are the largest on Earth, at least in terms of their market value. Raw financial figures only yeae you so much. Here are seven facts you might not know about the lucre the technology industry is rolling in. The five largest tech companies are collectively worth more than the entire economy of the United Kingdom. Only four national economies are larger than the combined tech giants: those of the U. The same mlney tech fifst are worth more than the theirr 11 most valuable U. Apple makes roughly as much money every day as 2, average U. The two big tech companies you almost never pay directly — Google and Facebook — can afford to offer you free services thanks to their hammerlock on digital advertising.
Microsoft is a multinational computer technology corporation. In latePaul Allena programmer at Honeywellwas walking through Harvard Square when he saw the cover of the January issue of Popular Electronics that demonstrated the Altairthe first microcomputer. Allen and Gates had neither an interpreter nor an Altair system, yet in the eight weeks before the demo, they developed an interpreter with the help of Monte Davidoff. Allen came up with the original name of Micro-Softa portmanteau of microcomputer and software. Shortly before the move, eleven of the then-thirteen employees posed for the staff photo on the right. The company restructured on June 25,to become an incorporated business in its home state of Washington with a further change now its name to «Microsoft Corporation, Inc. As part of the restructuring, Bill Gates became president of the company and chairman of the board, and Paul Allen became executive vice president. How much money did microsoft make in their first year was koney Tutor» which led the user through learning to use a keyboard. The other was authored by a professor at the University of Hawaii called «MuMATH» and had the muuch to do mathematics in long integer math to avoid floating point numbers. The first operating system publicly released micorsoft the company was a variant of Unix announced on Maake 25, Word was first released in the spring ofand free demonstration copies of the application were bundled with the November issue of PC Worldmaking it one of the first programs to be distributed on-disk with a magazine. It grew to become the most popular version of Unix, measured by inn number of machines running it [25] note that Unix is a multi-user operating system, allowing simultaneous access to a machine by several users.
When the IBM PC debuted, Microsoft was the only company that offered operating system, programming language, and application software ln the new computer. Claiming more than a million installed MS-DOS machines, founder and chairman Bill Gates has decided to hoa Microsoft’s jump on the rest of the industry by dominating applications, operating systems, peripherals and, most recently, book publishing. Some insiders say Microsoft is attempting to be the IBM of the software industry. Ireland became home to one of Microsoft’s international production facilities inand on November 20 Microsoft released its first retail version of Microsoft Windows Windows 1.
Three major reporting segments
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Satya Nadella
Here, I’d like to break down the major components of Microsoft’s business to help you better understand just how the software giant makes its money. Microsoft’s product portfolio is absolutely vast, but in order to keep things manageable, the company sorts its product offerings into three major reporting segments. The first is its productivity and business processes segment, which includes its Office and Dynamics product lines, as well as LinkedIn acquired back in Second is its intelligent cloud segment, which encompasses the company’s server products, cloud services, and enterprise services offerings. Data source: Microsoft K filing. As you can see, Microsoft’s revenue and operating income by segment were fairly evenly split — each segment is a large and important contributor to the company’s overall business.
How Apple, Amazon and Microsoft Hit $1 Trillion Valuation — WSJ
Thank you for your continued commitment and investment in Microsoft. Our tremendous progress and impact over the past year would not have been possible without your trust and belief in our mission. Fiscal was a record-breaking year for our company. I am proud of how we are helping organizations of every size in every industry innovate and thrive using our dic and tools. And I am proud of how we are empowering everyone — consumers, students, teachers, and the more than 2 billion firstline workers around the world — with jicrosoft to help them always feel confident, capable, and in control.
Selected Financial Data
Our mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more has never been more monet. At a time when many are calling attention to the role technology plays in society broadly, our mission remains constant. It grounds us in the enormous opportunity and responsibility we have to ensure that the technology we create always benefits everyone on the planet, including the planet. Our platforms and tools help make small businesses more productive, multinationals more competitive, nonprofits more effective, and governments more efficient. They improve healthcare and education outcomes, amplify human ingenuity, and allow people dir to reach higher. Today, every company is a technology company, and every organization will increasingly need to build its own proprietary technology solutions to compete and grow. I believe the next big technology breakthroughs will come not only from technology companies like Microsoft, but from retailers, healthcare providers, and manufacturers, working in partnership thei us. Every day, we work alongside our customers and partners to help them build their own digital capability — innovating with them, creating new businesses with them, and earning their trust. We want them to become independent cirst us, not dependent on us. This era of the intelligent cloud and intelligent edge is shaping the next phase of innovation, powering intelligent systems and experiences that previously would have been firrst, and transforming nearly everything around us.
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