Daniel Craig as Bond reclines and sips a green bottle here and there, the label never visible. But then the ruckus was the point. Meanwhile, as of Dec. McQueen said the Macallan brand had very little input into the movie, and, again, zero dollar input as a partner. When the final edit of the SkyFall came out our Macallan director was a little nervous about the drink being associated with the scene where Daniel Craig takes a dram then fires a gun—as obviously, being an alcoholic beverage, it is important for us not to be associated with violence, crime, underage drinking. Keeping with its message of understated luxury, Macallan did not go in for the over-the-top Bond tie-ins used by Heineken. Heineken should look to terminate its relationship with Bond. Heineken rolled out a significant Bond tie-in campaign for the last film, Quantum mucch Solace.
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Product placement in films has been increasingly more noticeable over the past decade as film plaacement rely on the influx of cash from third parties. Who can forget the classic Wayne’s World scene where Wayne and Garth declare they won’t «bow to any sponsor» while dressed in Reebok gear and eating pizza from Pizza Hut and drinking a Pepsi. Not anymore. While Wayne’s World took the piss out of product placement and film tie-ins, it’s a rid business these days. Well-known brands are forking out millions of dollars for a few seconds of screen time or offering to run skyfalk advertisement campaigns for a boatload of cash. Here’s a look at some of the most expensive product placements in cinematic history. Chocolate company Hershey didn’t actually pay to have Reese’s Pieces in E. Universal Pictures wasn’t going to knock back free publicity and readily agreed to the deal. The James Bond films have been a haven for high-end brands looking to spruik their wares. No the successful franchise has relied on product placement to help fund each film. If you don’t remember seeing the motorcycle, it’s the one Black Widow rides through the streets when ,uch Captain America’s shield. Apple is notorious for prodct paying to have their products in films, but you would have definitely thought they’d spent millions on product placement when watching Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol.
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Fun Fact: Producer J. Abrams is a big fan of Apple, with the products featuring for 8 minutes in the film. In a unique take on jow placement, not only does the film feature many different brands but additional advertisements and promotional propaganda was used to market this flick.
BMW — GoldenEye ($3 million)
But for the right price, will sip anything you put in front of him. Some fans of the franchise found the placement in poor taste. Bond switched his tipple. No , Sean Connery reached for a Red Stripe beer. At one point he favored gin in the mix. We know because Daniel Craig made sure to enunciate the brand name when ordering a drink in Casino Royale. Product placements are big business for the Bond franchise which, throughout its 50 year history, has been a trailblazer in the field. MacBooks may be beautiful, but saving the world from rogue generals, megalomaniacal scientists and corrupt double agents requires a Vaio laptop running Windows XP.
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Christie’s Most people can’t imagine James Bond drinking anything other than his signature vodka martini shaken not stirred. But the international man of mystery is going to be sipping Heineken, again, in the upcoming Bond flick «Skyfall. While some fans cry «sacrilege,» this isn’t the first time Bond has strayed from martinis. In the very first Bond movie, » Dr. No ,» Bond perched at a bar beside a Red Stripe. He’s also imbibed various brands of vodka, sodas, and other prominently labeled beverages. For «Skyfall,» Bond will be seen with a mall full of different brands, covering everything from Coke Zero, to Sony Vaio. The Heineken tie-in is one of the largest product placement packages in history. To give you a sense of just how big of a deal product placement is for James Bond, we put together a short history of product placement throughout the lifespan of the movie franchise. According to AMC , the 18th Bond flick covered percent of its production budget with brand tie-ins by eight major partners. Here’s a clip of Bond taking a joyride in the Aston Martin:. Heineken’s Bond commercial below didn’t star Daniel Craig and, thus, didn’t trigger the controversy of this year’s spot.
Product Placement in James Bond Films
James Bond is as synonymous with brands as with sex and car chases. But does advertising in the films go over the top? Nicholas Barber crunches the numbers. Product placement is integral to the Bond formula; all those less-than-subtle corporate logos pop up as regularly as dinner suits, megalomaniac villains, and women with double entendres instead of names. But there are times when a Bond movie stops being a Bond movie and starts being an advert: Pierce Brosnan driving a tank through a perfectly framed Perrier lorry in Goldeneye is another shudder-worthy example. Could it happen again in How much money did skyfall make from product placement, the 24th official film in the series? His phones happen to made by the very company that is distributing the film, Sony.
Reese’s Pieces — E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial ($1 million)
On the official
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