With the advent of the Internet the whole world of the secondary mooney market was turned upside. Now, if you needed tickets to a sold out event, then you did not have to buy them from a street scalper. If you had tickets for an event that you could not attend, then you could now sell them on this amazing new site called eBay. On eBay. On the floor, in the pit. I bought a pair and was fired up for the. I was in Grad School and I realized I was about 12 months away from having to find a real job.
Salary at $55,000
The investigation will likely shine a light on how tickets really work, and why consumers have no chance. After ten minutes, hope evaporates as the tickets are sold. In desperation, fans flock to StubHub, Bbrokers Seats, and other marketplaces finding thousands of tickets already available, for a significantly inflated price, mere minutes after on-sale and some even, gasp, before on-sale! The blame game starts. My internet is too slow. Those corrupt brokers with their bots took all the tickets! With this much how much money do ticket brokers make in the game, one would easily conclude the playing field cannot be level for the everyday fan hoping to buy tickets. Who ends up with the tickets? How do they end up on the secondary market so quickly? Why do the content providers allow it? There is much more to a concert, festival, or game than the fan sees or even considers. Once the event is a reality, the negotiations begin as to who brokerd access to what tickets long before on-sale. Where they most commonly go:. The rumors are true, there are bots and moey that give some ticket brokers an unfair advantage at on-sale. Spinners and Bots are actually relatively simple and much more prominent than the general public believes despite high profile cases in Las Mufh and Pennsylvania.
There Is No “Average Ticket Broker Salary”–And Why That’s a Good Thing
Ticket reselling has always gotten a bad rap. When people think of someone reselling concert tickets, they think of sleazy, borderline-con-artist scalpers. Reselling concert tickets can be done in a way that really does help people out. One of the most powerful decisions you can make for your business is to find a mentor. Mentors can cut your learning time by huge margins, can save you from expensive mistakes, and can help you learn the ropes before having to commit. This post is a great starter guide.
How to Earn Six Figures as a Ticket Broker
Take it from someone who has been buying and selling tickets for over 10 years: ticket brokering is a challenging and character-building career. But for those personalities willing to put in the hard work and who thrive on a good challenge, there are few careers more suitable than ticket brokering. Too often, newbie ticket brokers tend to buy up any and all tickets they can find to big shows but only later realize that the only tickets that they could have profited from were the ones right up against the stage. A more accurate statement would be that professional ticket brokers know what names and sports teams are profitable at all times. A lot of big names like Bon Jovi and U2 have sold out shows to tens of thousands of fans, but still found a way to disappoint hundreds of ticket brokers who bought seats to their shows and lost tons of cash. For those of you looking to start a ticket broker business on the East Coast, this is not a problem. For those on the West Coast, the situation is a bit more difficult. Not an ungodly hour, but a bit more of a challenge. And if you happen not to sell your pair of tickets to a local show, guess what? Win win. Home About Ticket Broker Blueprint. In this career, what you put in is exactly what you will get out. I Am going to try this!!!
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One of the most common questions I receive from people is:. First question: there is no average ticket broker salary. The largest ticket brokering firms pull in millions of dollars in revenue every year , and the washouts lose thousands of dollars from the first tickets they buy and never sell tickets again. Again, the largest firms pull in that amount every week. Your income will completely depend on how skilled you are at pulling tickets and selling them at their highest value both techniques which we discuss in our guide. Those who are particularly skilled, work more than full time hours or hire employees will exceed that. The way to truly profit as a ticket broker is to hire help. More often than not, these will be members of your family or in-laws. Needless to say, you should never give your credit card information to a stranger you meet online.
How to Make a Killing as a Ticket Broker
Ticket brokering is a way you can make extra money or even start a new career. It takes planning and a small amount of capital to begin a ticket brokering venture. Knowing what to expect up front will help you succeed in the critical early stages monfy set the stage for a stable source of income. This article was co-authored mame our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Together, they cited information from 5 references. Redfox19 living single. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Co-authored by wikiHow Staff Updated: March 28, Learn more Envision your future business. Do you want to sell local concert tickets? Or tickets to major league sporting events?
Where do you want to base your operations? These decisions will impact everything from which licenses you apply for to how much startup money you will need.
Think about why you will succeed. Is your local music venue not successful at advertising? Do you notice that a sports team regularly sells out their games?
You should find a market you can compete in that is also profitable. Check with local laws. Once you have decided which tickets you would like to sell, you need to check into which licenses you will need. States have different laws concerning the regulation of ticket brokering. Planning out this phase will make it how much money do ticket brokers make for you to begin buying and selling tickets later.
Raise capital if moneey. Unless you have a lot of money tucked away, you will need money to start a ticket reselling business. First, it costs several thousand dollars just to apply for license. Second, you will need to have the capital to buy tickets, even though the return is relatively fast.
Banks and credit unions are a good place to check into loans for starting businesses. See this guide for ways to find out your credit score and optimize it. You can also try to find investors in your area.
Local businesses may be interested in low-cost investments or the perks that come with having ties to a ticket broker. If you keep it small and personal, you may be able to keep lawyers and accountants out of it. See this for more tips on starting a small business. Apply for a ticket reseller’s license. You should know by now where you want to list your business address, and which venues you want to sell tickets to.
This varies state by state, so a simple web search will tell you where to fill out yicket submit the application. You will need to have a good amount of cash for any fees and bonds. This money is on the line to ensure you fulfill your contractual obligations. Additional information may be required. For example, New York needs to know the status of any child support payments. Look into joining the National Association of Ticket Brokers.
First, it requires its members to live up to some ethical standards while conducting business. It also lobbies to expand the rights and privileges of ticket resellers, so they are on your. It is also a good way to network and have access to a pool of resources. Find out where the tickets are sold. There are a few sources typically approved by most states. It is important not only to follow laws when selling tickets, but buying them as.
There are hefty fines for buying tickets for resale from an unauthorized source. The most obvious source is the venue. Authorized or official resellers are businesses that the venue contracts to sell its tickets for.
This is typically a cost-cutting eo for the venue. You can also typically buy tickets from other licensed resellers. They might be looking to reduce a surplus or believe that demand for the ticket will be lower than they had predicted. Start small and test the waters. Do some shopping around and keep your profits and, more importantly, losses minimal at. It is important to have enough capital to make it through these initial learning stages.
Buy only as much as you think you can sell. This is a general tickey you should always follow. It may seem like common sense, but there is no use for a ticket after the event occurs. This is where experience comes into play. Events like the Super Bowl are a feeding frenzy for ticket brokers. If you are lucky enough to have a chance to buy tickets, grab all you. It has proven to be a lucrative event for ticket resellers for decades. Local music events are more hit-or-miss.
You probably want to be more cautious about buying these tickets. The good news is that you will be out less money for each one you don’t sell — especially compared to the Super Bowl. Look into season tickets.
It has been regular practice for ticket brokers to buy season event tickets and resell them by makr game. This may still be a viable option for some venues, but keep in mind that many sports teams and others are starting to place restrictions on this activity. Look into the rules for season ticket ownership before brokegs season tickets. Set up a website.
In most situations, you will need people to be able to easily shop and pay for tickets from home. The most difficult aspect of this will be creating a secure portal for financial transactions. There are online payment systems that will interface fairly easily with your website. You might also look into directly taking credit card information. Check out this guide for more tips on setting up the financial part of your website.
Advertise on the internet. With social media platforms numerous and free, it is easy to spread the word about your ticjet. You can also buy ad space on websites and moneey search engine sites for relatively cheap. If you are engaged in the local music scene, you probably want to focus on your community.
If you specialize in events that attract patrons from farther away, focus on fan pages in their online community. Sell on the internet. Now that you muvh found some buyers, point them to your website. Make sure you keep up with the purchases and get them their tickets on ro. Luckily, if your website interfaces with an online payment system, much of the organizational and financial work will be done automatically.
Mail your tickets. You may have an official business address, but not want it to be open to the public. The easiest way for you to get your tickets to their buyers is probably by mail. It is inexpensive and secure. Look into business rates for sending envelopes. There are commercial prices for businesses.
If you have ever needed tickets to a popular sporting event or concert, you know how hard it can be to secure these in-demand tickets. A ticket broker takes on the task of deciding which events are hot, buying tickets in advance and reselling the tickets juch a profit. Event Experts estimates that ticket brokers make a profit of between 50 to percent. The job of a ticket broker requires both foresight and creativity. Join ticket broker associations.
Keeping Tabs on What’s Events are Profitable
Groups such as the National Association of Ticket Brokers and the United States Ticket Brokers Association provide you with valuable tools to help run your business successfully. Both offer access to other members, creating networking and learning opportunities. Choose a specialty area. Most successful ticket brokers are familiar enough with the markets they serve to know which events will be in-demand and which tickets will sell for a high dollar. It is best to choose a single genre of music, such as country or rock, or a type of sport, at. Once you understand that market thoroughly, you can always branch. Obtain a business license. What type of license a ticket broker needs varies by state. In most states, a general business license is all that is required. Telephone your secretary of state to learn which type of license is required where you bdokers. If you plan to sell tickets in front of the event, check with local authorities about scalping laws. Some cities allow scalpers within certain parameters whereas others mnoey not. Name your business and build a website. How much money do ticket brokers make a unique name can be fun, be sure to include what the business is and don’t make the name too obscure.
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