I meant Beansprog, it should come up on Google What an idiot I am. Close menu. Toddlers years Tween and teens. Baby activities homepage Baby massage Baby sign language Preschool activities Preschool sports Stay and play. Parties homepage Entertainers Face painting Halls for hire Party venues. Childcare homepage Before and after-school clubs Childminders Children’s centres Holiday clubs Nurseries. Pregnancy homepage Antenatal classes Hospitals.
What’s the secret to making money on fan We got the lowdown from four mothers who’ve figured out how to sell everything from hand-me-downs to holiday gifts. I looked everywhere to replace her, and I finally found her on eBay. The experience led me to try selling. At first, I focused mainly on Little People sets from the ’70s. Business Basics: I spend 15 to 20 hours a week except during the holidays; then it’s full-time. I love to sell collectibles like Strawberry Shortcake dolls from the ’70s and ’80s; I’ve also got a lot of other vintage toys. I buy most of my stuff at thrift shops. Estate sales are the best place to find old toys, but taking care of Cothes, 6, and my daughter, Sydney, 3, means I can’t go to as many as I’d like. Jackson, Oprah, and Dakota Fanning. Biggest Challenge: Staying welling top of all of the labor that’s involved.
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As soon as I photograph clofhes item, I package it I don’t seal the box. Then I upload the photo clotues description onto eBay. When an item sells, I can ship within 24 hours. After Ian and Jacob were born, I realized I could resell their stuff on eBay, where clothing for twins is a maks item. But I’ve gradually expanded to include all kinds of kids’ things. Business Basics: I work between 20 and 25 hours a week. I take my photos one day a week while the twins play, and I write my listings while they’re napping or sleeping. We live near an outlet mall, so I buy new kids’ clothing out of season. Then I sell it for a profit when the right time of year rolls. What’s Great: All of the people I’ve «met» online. I’m a member of «Here Comes the Stork,» a group of eBay moms who sell children’s clothes.
The Best Way to Sell Clothes On eBay
Clothing is the number two most popular best selling category on eBay. FYI, electronics is number one. If you are willing to put in some effort you absolutely can make money even a living selling clothes on eBay! Used clothes, your clothes, as well as thrift store, garage sale, and big box retailer clothes — ALL can be sold on eBay and you can reap the profits! That said, the best way to sell clothes on eBay is to rise above the competition.
How to Start on eBay
Every parent knows when kids come, so do their abundance of clothes, toys and other supplies. What do you do when they outgrow it all? You could save some of the items for any future babies, but what happens when your last baby has grown? Some parents choose to donate their items, which is a great idea, while other parents turn to selling their items to make some money back. Why not try selling your stuff on eBay? Before you start selling on eBay, you have to sign up. It’s quite easy to sign up for eBay. Go to the site, click on register , and complete the forms. Make sure to choose an appropriate name, one that speaks to what you will be selling. You can also give more details about you and what you’re selling in your eBay profile.
How To Sell Clothes On eBay: Getting Started
An eBay business is flexible enough to fit into any lifestyle. Parents have a constant stream of products to sell as children outgrow clothes, toys, books, and educational materials. An eBay business can produce a steady stream of income year round and is more convenient and lucrative than a garage sale. Learn how this mom created an eBay business while caring for her young child and finishing her undergraduate degree. Jaimey Castillo has been selling on eBay since She began selling on eBay when her daughter was just a baby. While clothing is her focus, she doesn’t limit herself to one type of product and will pick up anything that she thinks might sell. Many family members, including her husband, help her find great items while thrifting. Also, her 3-year-old daughter has been fetching labels from the printer ever since she could walk.
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Many of you expressed frustration with your own yard sales and the insulting prices offered for your high-quality, well-cared for items. Search completed listings of the items that you wish to sell on eBay, and sort the search by those with the highest final selling price. Write down the titles of the listings which made the most money. List your toys when moms are shopping for Christmas or other holiday gifts. Seven-day auctions are best unless your item is time sensitive or the holiday is a week away.
Have your auction end in the evening, on a weeknight, after most kid bedtimes. This is when parents have time to browse and bid. Think of every possible word that might be typed into the search box someone might use to find your item. Use similar titles as those who sold their similar item for the most money as discovered in your research. A good rule of thumb is to list something for eaby price you would be happy getting maie it at a consignment sale.
Order priority mail boxes and tape for free from www. Box and weigh your item before you list it. If your picture looks terrible, your item looks terrible.
Take it mame a solid background, like a hardwood floor or a white sheet. If there are minor stains or flaws in your merchandise, be up front and give a detailed explanation.
Take a picture if necessary. If you box and weigh your items before you cab, this will be super easy. Building good feedback is important. Try to ship your items as soon as possible, and definitely within the time you promised on your listing. Why not get your feet wet and pick out one toy or outfit that you would like sellng sell and give it a try?
Every Saturday morning she can be found hitting the sales in Raleigh, North Carolina. You can follow her yard-saleing, eBaying adventures at her blog, Yard Sale Mommy.
I also post each week what I purchased at the yard sales, so you can see what I buy to resell. Hope that helps! I have had the most luck with Gymboree, Crazy 8, Gap.
I make up lots of clothes from u, cheaper store like Target, Old Navy, etc. Just be honest, and consider anything over what you would make at a yard sale a bonus! There is such a need out. I watch my daughter during the day and work for a few hours during the evening when my hubby comes home.
Then I work all weekend long while he watches. There are ways to make it work. There are other ways to be generous, and no one should feel guilty about selling whatever they want to sell to help make ends meet. Day care would be too expensive for us, and my husband often works out of town. Selling online is what works best with our schedules. What may work for you may not work for third famiy.
I know my hubby would rather bust his rump than for me to work at night and on the weekends. Ya i agree with Kristen — there are other ways to be generous and who says that you have to donate brand name clothes to charities there are plenty of other brands that they would be happy to. I think reselling higher end brands is a great way to make money.
I have done it myself and it is great! I agree. I think it is uncouth to shop yard sales with the intent of reselling at a large markup, no matter what the product is. Especially for clothing, which is a need, as you mention as opposed to something collectible or decorative. This is such a timely read for me, as I was just getting ready to sort through clothes to eBay.
If you use Paypal, you can use paypal shipping thru ebay. It just takes the postal fee directly from your paypal balance. You can also use stamps. You need a printer, of course and tape to tape the labels on. For carrier pickup, you xelling have at least 1 priority package to be mailed. Ditto everything you just wrote!
Actually, the info should already be bsby into the label, all you need to do is click and print! It really is super easy. Or if you talk with your local delivery man they might just pick them up without moneu priority mail. Mine has told me in the past that he will gladly take them if I hang them in a bag from the mailbox as long as the weather is decent. My postman said the same thing. I also made sure that I gave him a tip at Christmas since he is so nice and saves me a lot of trouble. There is moneu a link on usps.
Depending on the time of your request, the mail carrier will stop by in the next few days to pick up your packages. I love carrier pick-up! My ebay store is addysclosetandmore. Gymboree is not as profitable as it used to be, as ebay seems to be swamped with it. For the time being, all auctions are free listings and that even includes a buy-it-now price. Also, new sellers need to know that ebay now collects a final-value-fee on the shipping price.
A lot of sellers have now instituted a small handling charge to help off-set the fees because if you charge only the exact shipping charge, you will end up losing money! I still enjoy being a small, part-time hobby seller and still get a thrill when I actually mke something! They were Mud Pie brand that she only wore.
I struggled with feeling guilty about selling things that were gifts, but the alternative was to have them sit in a rubbermaid tote in the garage getting no use. I decided to make a little cash and justified it with the fact that the money earned will go towards other items she needs. I totally reiterate the part about checking your shipping costs. I underestimated my shipping costs and ended up paying a little of my profits to cover ma,e.
I just tried researching some clothes that are being bid on and there are hardly any kids clothes that have bids on. Its weird. Its like ebay is dead at the moment. Be specific in your searches, and make sure to search completed listings and not current auctions to get a good sense on final selling price. And keep in mind that name brands will sell better than non-name brands, so search Gymboree, Janie and Jack, Crazy 8, Ralph Lauren.
As far as brands, it varies. I have done well with Gap, Naartjie, some Gymboree if you go to Gymbohaven. Also, bigger sizes tend to do better than baby sizes. What works for one person, however, does not always work for someone else!
I am a buyer of Gymbo and have desperately needed a website like that!! YOU are the reason I learned something new today!! Anyone know if there is a smartphone app for looking up the value of items, or what they sell for? I just searched the android marketplace from my phone, and am downloading the ebay app. I have the ebay app on my iphone and use it when I am out omney yard sales and thrift stores to see if an item I am thinking of buying will resell well enough to make my purchase worth it!
I carry my iphone with me when out yard sailing, and so if I question anything I might be considering buying, I quick look it up on babg eBay app which has a search engine. This is the very reason I now really really want an iphone… trying to convince the husband?! Android phones also have an eBay application and you can find an Android phone with a cheaper monthly plan, if you do a little digging.
In my experience, unless it is in very good to excellent condition and a brand name it is not worth the time and effort! Thanks for the tips! Mkae have a huge load of baby clothes from Newborn my son was only 5lbs to 12 months. Beside shirts, his pants are too small; I am going to start going thru his things and putting it. Is this true? I think these are just the flat rate boxes. Actually, you CAN get priority mail boxes, not just flat rate boxes. And I am able to get tape too, priority mail tape.
I think these could work. What do you think? I need a little help understanding everything…LOL!!! Is it percentage-based or a flat fee?
They also now take a cut for shipping and since you must use paypal, they take a cut too even though PP is owned by Ebay.
Sell Baby Clothes With Your Custom Built Dropshipping Business
Im a real hoarder and can attach sentimentality to absolutely everything but I have no qualms at all in selling my own clothes, in fact I’m quite brutal. I bought a Cath Kidston dress a few summers ago. I wore it all summer 2 years ago, babg only a couple of times last summer. I had a pair of black Saltwater sandals but the following year black just didn’t feel summery enough so I sold them and put the money towards a tan pair.
Sell Kids Stuff on eBay
It feels like a guilt free wardrobe refresh, almost like having clothes on loan. In this post I’ll let you know how I sell kids clothes on eBay. I don’t accept. If you can make a little bit of money back then why not? This is how I do it which could take hours a month or a season. Here goes If you can see something can i make money selling baby clothes on ebay lots of bids, see how it’s described,what the pictures are like. Watch it and see what it sold. I mostly sell Boden and Joules. It’s great quality, washes and lasts well and carries a certain premium that people are willing to pay for even if it’s been well worn. Branded trainers like Nike or Converse eaby well .
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