Bird Scooter charging is one of the newest opportunities to hit the gig market. But how much money do you get paid to charge Birds? Plus, the money you earn from charging Birds is taxable. So what is a Bird Charger supposed to do? How scooterrs you supposed to make any money capturing Birds for a living? Do people really earn that type of money chasing scooters around the city?
How to make more money charging scooters?
Sharing and gig economies are changing how people make money. Or, you can rent out your home through Airbnb or your car through Turo. The dockless mohey scooter is the latest craze in the rideshare economy, with lots of other scooter startups popping up as more investors realize the potential of the business model. This is where you can make a nice side income. Read on to get the scoop on how electric scooter charging works, how to become a Bird charger, and how much money you can make. Birds work by QR code. Chargers have their own version of the app. Moneyy users have a map that shows them where they can find a Bird to rent. Chargers have a similar chargihg that shows them where to find Birds that need to be charged. Each color indicates how much the Bird is worth, scootees on how difficult it is to capture.
2. Always Have Some Scooters On-Deck
Birds behind fences or hidden away in the bushes on private property are worth more money than those that are easy to. All the Bird Charger has to do is to unlock the scooters, put them in the car, and drive them home. It helps to have a decent-sized car, pickup truck, van, or SUV. Once home, they simply plug them in and charge .
2. Always Have Some Scooters On-Deck
Check out the Uber driver sign up bonus , Lyft driver sign up bonus , and DoorDash driver sign up bonus. On the surface, they may seem like pretty different companies, but scooters and rideshare are both part of the shared mobility space, and they actually have a lot more in common than you may think. Both businesses are mobility marketplaces: Uber connects drivers and riders while Bird connects scooters and customers. Advertisement: Use the GetUpside app to save money on every gallon of gas you buy bonus offer included. From there, the application asks for personal information, tax information and your bank account information so they can send you direct deposits.
How Charging Works
B ird electric scooters have officially taken over Southern California. They are inexpensive to rent and can make transportation through a busy city like San Diego or Los Angeles absolutely painless. These scooters are fast and fun to ride, so whether you just need to get from point A to point B, or are looking for an exciting way to spend a sunny afternoon, Bird electric scooters are a no brainer. Note: The information found in this article is based on estimates. Actual figures and results are not guaranteed. Individuals partake in a part-time gig where they help collect Birds with low batteries, charge them at their place of residence or anywhere for that matter and redistribute them back into the city. The contracted employees are required to pay the fees associated with picking up the Birds i. Here is information from the Bird Charger job description on Wayup :. In San Diego the cost of electricity will fluctuate based on time of day, time of year, minus energy saving rewards. Credit: Inverse. Social Sharing.
How To Get More Charger Cables
Bird Scooter charging is one of the newest opportunities to hit the gig market. But how much money do you get paid to charge Birds? Plus, the money you earn from charging Birds is taxable. So what is a Bird Charger supposed to do? How are you supposed to make any money capturing Birds for a living?
Do people really earn that type of money chasing scooters around the city? After completing the sign-up process, the company sends you three electric scooter charger kits in your welcome package. Each kit contains 3 wall plugs and 3 power bricks.
Each one enables you to charge one scooter at a time. Bird electric scooters take roughly hours to charge, so you can probably do around 6 scooters in a night with 3 chargers if you work efficiently. Requesting more kits is a great way to grow your income.
You can actually buy Bird chargers on your own if you to charge. Go out and collect scooters. Get one for every charger. Go home, plug them in, and wait for them to charge. Get more scooters and repeats. But, as you know, charging hours start at PM. And if you want to get paid for the scooter the next day, you have to have it out by AM. If you hang out for 4 hours while your first round charges, then you only have 6 hours left to charge another batch.
This leaves you with two hours to go out and hunt more scooters. Now, that might work out on some nights. You might be lucky enough to find a few left outside a bar at 1 or 2 AM. By the time you get them home, you may not be able to give them a full charge before 7 AM.
Instead of picking them up piecemeal, we recommend that you gather at least 2 batches at. At around 3 feet x 3. One of the best things you can do to make more money as a Bird Scooter Charger is to drive a truck or van. Captured 50 Birds yesterday with poor weather conditions outside.
I see lots of negativity on these boards but Bird has been a pretty legit hustle for me. Everything you spend money on in order to work as a Charger is deductible. You can save money by claiming each of these things as expenses how much money can you make charging scooters your year-end taxes. So, do yourself a favor and keep ALL of your receipts. Bring them to an accountant at the end of the year. Their competitor, Lime, also has scooters scattered around most cities.
And Lime operates using a similar contractor-based business model. They too hire freelancers to collect and charge scooters. So, you can make some extra cash by working as both a Bird Charger and a Lime Juicer.
This makes it easy to get a nice little charging operation running out of your house. Check out our complete guide to becoming a Lime scooter charger!
Your first instinct is to find those scooters. Bird spotting on the Cumberland. Sure, you might make a few more dollars for capturing it. The best strategy is to pick up the closest and easiest scooters.
They will pay less, but the reduced time makes it worth it. If you want to make a decent income, you have to treat it like a job. Bird is slightly different from other gig platforms in that they have limited hours. Whereas you can drive for Uber at any time of day, Bird Charging hours are strict. If this is a part-time job, force yourself to work at least 20 hours per week standard part-time hours.
If this is your full-time gig, force yourself to work at least This will help you to focus on getting those Birds charged. Try driving for Lyft or delivering for Postmates or Doordash during the day.
Then at night, pick up and charge some scooters. Start Here About Gigworker Press. When you click through the links on our site, we may earn affiliate co mmissions. Learn More. How do I become a rideshare worker? How do I sign up to use Task services? Similar Articles. App-Based Gigs. View All.
What it’s Like to Charge Scooters for Bird and Lime in 2019
1. Get as Many Chargers as You Can
They’re not yet legal in New York City, where I live, but they’re all the rage out West, where electric scooter start-ups like Bird and Lime are based. Uou I visited L. I met up with Harry Campbell, founder of The Rideshare Guy blog and podcast, who has experimented with a number of side hustles, from driving for Uber and Lyft to delivering food for Postmates and DoorDash.
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Most recently, ,ake made extra cash by charging electric scooters. The scooter-sharing companies rely on «an army of independent contractors» to locate scooters that need juice, charge them overnight and release them the next morning before 7 a. The gig is not that complicated, he adds: «If you can charge your smartphone, you can charge a scooter. He let me tag along for an evening of «Bird hunting» in Santa Monica. Here’s what happened. For starters, you have to apply to be a «Bird charger» or a «Lime juicer. If you do live in a city with scooters, though, the sign-up process is simple: Using the same app you’d use as a consumer, you provide your personal information and bank account information so you can receive direct deposits. The one caveat, says Campbell, is that «you may not be instantly approved if there are too many chargers in your city. Once you’re approved, the company will send you three sets of charging supplies, which include a wall plug and power brick. Scoofers time, you can get more supplies if you establish yourself as a consistent and reliable charger.
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