How much money does the average american college student make

how much money does the average american college student make

Each year, enthusiastic university commencement speakers tell students that the hard work they did in college will pay off if they simply continue to persevere. But a recent survey from LendEdu highlights how some of graduates’ expectations are not being met. NACE data also indicates that college graduate tbe salaries have recently seen a subtle dip. Despite this statistic, there are many good reasons for college graduates to be optimistic. Wages are finally beginning to budge after years of sluggish growth and recent figures from NACE indicate that employers plan to hire That’s the biggest increase among recent graduates since

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Most college colleg place a high priority on salary as they anticipate employment after graduation. However, the realities of compensation for graduates often do not live up to their expectations. Are those salaries a realistic expectation? When compared with the expectations in the data from LendEDU, it appears that about half of graduates would receive salaries less than what they had anticipated. Graduates relocating to lower-wage cities are more likely to be disappointed by salaries. Those moving to some higher wage metropolitan areas may be pleasantly surprised by their earning potential. The National Association of Colleges and Employers NACE surveyed employers in the winter of on the starting salaries that they expect to offer graduates in various majors. This list studfnt includes many STEM majors as well as the addition of healthcare-related disciplines:. If not, there will be opportunities to increase your earning potential over time. Having a college degree automatically ups atudent chances of earning. Employers expect to hire many more Graduates in career fields with lower salaries are even more likely to find ameeican compensation does not measure up to the levels that they studejt anticipated. Graduates with majors not perceived to be in high demand are most likely to experience the greatest surprise when they receive job offers on the higher.

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The more information you have, the easier it will be to negotiate salary.

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Computer science majors on the other hand, actually underestimated their potential, as seen in the graphic below:. Borrowers in the South i. O’Shaughnessy also pointed out that women were more realistic than men when it came to earnings potential. The differences were most obvious in male-dominated fields like economics, engineering, finance, and accounting, the report stated. But notable exceptions were in less male-dominated fields like nursing, life sciences, and communications. Aarthi is a writer for Yahoo Finance. Follow her on Twitter aarthiswami. Read more:. College students are carrying an alarming amount of debt. Read the latest financial and business news from Yahoo Finance. No matching results for ». Tip: Try a valid symbol or a specific company name for relevant results. Finance Home.

NCAA Money Made by Year

In light of the soaring cost of four-year college, clllege in education and business suggest Americans rethink the need for universities to find a good job. But at least for now, data suggests having a college degree pays more in the long run. Earlier this year, Tim Cook made headlines for stating that you don’t need a degree to be successful.

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Cook put his mucch where his mouth is: the CEO revealed about half of Apple’s new hires in did not have a four-year degree. Cook isn’t the only one encouraging stjdent to think beyond a bachelor’s degree to find a good job. Trade schools have touted the high wages blue-collar work can yieldincluding six-figures for heavy-equipment technicians. Read more: Apple, Google, and Netflix don’t require employees to have 4-year degrees, and this could soon become an industry norm. College is more expensive than ever — and students are going into record debt to pay it off.
