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Sponsor Rewards
By breyzippJune 11, in Suggestion Box. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community. It’s easy! Already have an account? Sign in. Suggestion Box Search In. Dirt 4 — credit rewards need a massive revamping By breyzippJune 11, dirt 4 best way to make money Suggestion Box. Recommended Posts. Posted June 11, It seems to be the same case here. I did the 4-stage long Founder’s Invitational event and I ended up on the last ranking, probably getting about K credits for what was probably half an hour of playing a unique event. Fast forward to the very first rallycross super championship from career mode. That race in Montalegre on the tiny circuit first 4 laps and then 6 laps rewards a whoppin K credits with incredably easy AI to beat. And that is even on the easiest difficulty setting since I have beest this low since I’m struggling a lot with the AI on dirg stages.
Getting New Sponsors In DiRT 4
And I think it took me about 10 minutes max. So let’s summarize. I thought once I unlocked the FIA World Rallycross championship that this would be the best way to gain credits from rallycross. After all it is the highest tier in rallycross with the most powerful cars. LOL was I wrong. The first race on Monet rewards K credits to win. Granted that car is a bit slower but you have fewer loading screens as well and that circuit with all it’s winding corners isn’t that much different in speed between both cars.
Getting New Sponsors In DiRT 4
Besides the obvious ones like buying and tinkering with your car, DiRT 4 will have you hiring team members, buying and upgrading buildings, and even juggling sponsorships from various companies for maximum earning potential. Players new to the system will be left wondering — how do you get the best sponsors , and what do you need to do for the biggest payouts? The available roster of sponsors actually rotates out randomly over time. But some will only appear after winning events, so check the sponsorship screen regularly after finishing any events. There’s an important caveat to remember while browsing offers — you can’t have two sponsors who are in the exact same business due to the conflict of interest.
Sponsor Rewards
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. DiRT 4 Store Page. Global Achievements. Elfnein View Profile Mame Posts. Currently stuck with a full garage after the game decided to give me an Impreza that I can’t use in any dift unlocked championship, and I’d very much rather hit level 14 currently 13 for the level 2 garage before getting it, not to mention that if I do get it, Makee won’t have enough credits to get any car that would be good for the remaining championships.
Showing digt — 5 of 5 comments. Originally posted by OnFireProf. EaZzY :. Originally posted by Nakamuza :. Squishy View Profile View Posts. You can sell cars in your garage if that would help. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 11 Jun, am.
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The Group B Cars In DiRT Rally 2.0 Are Bloody Brutal
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam.
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Store Page. DiRT 4 Store Page. Global Achievements. Elfnein View Profile View Posts. Currently stuck with a full garage after the game decided to give me an Impreza that I can’t use in any currently unlocked championship, and I’d very much rather hit level 14 currently 13 for the level 2 garage before getting it, not to mention that if I do get it, I won’t have enough credits to get any car that would be good for the remaining championships. Showing 1 — 5 of 5 comments. Originally posted by OnFireProf.
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