Hi fam! Following my last post giving advice on how to get your music on ;eople I have decided to write another post covering my experience with using Distrokid as my distributor so far. However, it’s the first and only distro I have ever tried, so there will be no comparison to other ones, just the in-depth review of Distrokid. I chose Distrokid after doing some research myself, that mostly consisted of reading a shitload of as recent as possible articles and eyeballin’ the distro’s websites, but eventually I got enough indices to make this decision which by makke way appears more and more right with every day. There were three main factors that made me sign up for Distrokid: Do people make money on distrokid one was the pricing model, which is fairly reasonable, going hand in hand with the ability of unlimited uploads which is the second one. The third thing were all the reviews and testimonials with a particularly funny cherry on top — when you see the CEOs of rival distro companies selling their companies and going working to Distrokid stating Distrokid is just the best in testimonials on the service’s homepageit sure does mean. So let’s start with pricing, one of the most important things for new and often poor artists.
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DistroKid can split earnings from any song or mxke. And automatically send those earnings to your collaborators. That means mondy can easily share earnings with producers, beat makers, featured artists, and anyone. Then DistroKid will make sure they get paid for every stream and download. You never have to worry about accounting, and you never have to send money to. We do it for you. Automatic splits are great for artists. We soft-launched splits around a year ago. Happy to announce poeple DistroKid members have created 2 00, teams so far. And helps ensure that more artists get paid. Thanks for reading and please do people make money on distrokid.
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For more firsts from DistroKid, check distroid our new lyrics deliveryinstant Spotify verificationand Apple photo uploader. Sign in. Get started. Introducing Automatic Revenue Splits. Philip Kaplan Follow. A few other cool things: You can add unlimited collaborators to any track. You can change the splits any time. You can add or remove collaborators any time. You can go back in time and see any previous splits. For privacy, collaborators can only see what percentage they .
DistroKid News
Sales reports and payments are available to you based on when DistroKid receives sales numbers and earnings from stores. Stores usually deliver these reports monthly, and they r If you’re not seeing the latest reports yet, don’t worry! Rest assured that we’re working to get them to you ASAP. You e Click «Bank» to see your royalty reports for sales and streams. First, you’ll see the summary report.
So, why did I choose Distrokid in the first place?
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Distrokid has been an easy going platform do people make money on distrokid all my releases. They have been super nice with all my stuff photos, upcoming releases, cover licences, The only thing I’m sad about is that I can’t release an album with more than 1 language, so all songs have to be in the selected language of the album.
I Will have to find another distributor just for this time. But Thank you Distrokid Team. They helped me when I had a problem and they fixed something that was my mistake in the first place. Their feedback works and I am grateful. Thanks :. Great ccompany I published most of my songs and album on their platform.
Karam J. I tried to release a single through distrokix, and the credits to my music were given to someone who wasn’t even connected with my music or distdokid distrokid account. They didn’t respond to any of my emails, and I pfople had to pull my track from stores.
Total scam. Don’t waste your money trying to release music through. It took 4 days until I got an answer, and when I did got an answer it was makr for the question I asked. So I asked help on Distrkkid on Facebook, and they did not talk to the moneh. It’s like they can’t even read I’m leaving DistroKid. Mondy sent my song 2 weeks ago, and it’s not on my upcoming releases on Spotify.
The moment you buy the service — they treat you like garbage. Biggest scam miney, closed my account, kept my royalties, kept eo ISRC codes, pulled co music, lost my plays. Read the comment below and call the federal trade commission to mooney this company. I don’t get all the negative comments here at Trustpilot. I am managing a few musical projects and until now, NO issues at all! Uploads and distribution goes extremely fast and I got answered very quickly when having a question.
I will definitely stay with Distrokid :. We have been using DistroKid for about a year. They’re fast, reliable and innovative. The website is intuitive and easy to use. Used to work. Very strict, but at least worked. Now once I didn’t have enough money on my payment account. Changed that within five minutes. I have made new credit cards in between and tried over 8 different ones. To the one responsible for this shameless kind diwtrokid robbery, I hope your mother will read.
I am very, very angry and more disappointed. Terrible service! These guys are sharks. Avoid like the plague. They will steal your royalties and music. Dkstrokid website is a joke, it never works properly and if you have a problem customer service is non existent apart from a cut and paste response they won’t help you.
WAS good DistroKid were great at. We had a 10 artist label account and were releasing high quality original music from several artists. Then one day distrlkid of mooney blue they sent us a rejection for a release and told us to find another distributor. Completely de-platformed without any explanation or reason. We are owed royalties which makes this worse.
DistroKid is not worth the risk to small labels. An arbitrary decision from them can end your distribution with no recourse. I recommend everyone avoid this shady company. You can live anywhere in the US and call this number. The service is quick and the reps are very nice.
Kaplan also goes by Put distrokjd put him behind bars. There has to be enough complaints against him for FTC to take action so lets get on the ban wagon and see him go down!
I haven’t gotten mae penny of my sales and am locked out of the site. There’s no way to contact them and their message forms have no submit button! Not the best service, they are quite difficult to communicate. Royalties aren’t always paid on time and in some case I have to contact them repeatedly to get.
On the other hand; it is really easy to use, covers the main distrokidd platforms, offers you a lot for your money. DistroKid are great until they aren’t. My first two months with DistroKid were great, they got my releases to stores without issues.
Mmoney as royalty payment was due they rejected two releases due to «editorial discretion», so I released these with another distributor without issue. Now royalties are due distrokkid tell me to get another distributor.
All of my music is original contemporary classical or piano and two other distributors happily now release my music. DistroKid were great, until royalties were due to be paid.
No type of customer service, no urgency and will to help. This was on 6 of Oct We loaded up two albums, 12 songs and 15 songs. It just took a few days to get what we loaded up accepted, and just a few days later they dstrokid up in itunes, apple, amazon and spotify, and soon other places.
So far so good. Then we realized we had misunderstood the meaning of Explicit, being Swedish people, we thought it ment something like specifically our lyrics, but it means vulgar language.
So we had to change that, but since we saw that Distrokid had » Edit Release » opportunity, we could always change things later. If we had read what Distrokid said under there we might have understood how it should be, but we just went for Collaborates since that is what we are.
That name we used was not understood, albums coming upp for other artist with the same name as one of us, so we had to change that. Then the last and third thing we were not so careful with was the genre, but we thought we can change that later with distro,id » Edit Release » option. From there things got dizzy with DistroKid to make editing of the release. First we noticed that the » genre » can not be changed with edit release, that was not thoroughly outspoken by DistroKid, or we did not read around thoroughly?
Then secondly when the first album kn loaded up was ready for edit release, I did that right away, and changed explicit to NO and the name to a band name with X and Y, the same as before but as a band name, I was advised to do that, and a day later I did the same for the second album when that was possible.
Now we had to wait around ten working days, Saturday and Sunday is not counted into that, it is said one should not do that, so it took diatrokid twelve days. So now we got the answer from DistroKid that they could not perform the edit release we had ordered, and was asked to do it again!?
So now we did it all over. From that, now we have waited distrokkid today distrokidd of Nov and we got an answer from DistroKid that says in email: We have submitted a metadata update request to stores, it may take up to weeks for changes to take place in all stores The second album is marked for collaboration!
The other album We realize that if we had done it right from the beginning these troubles would monye occurred There is an option if one has got it wrong, and that is to take everything down, it says it takes just a few days to get away from the stores, and the start from scratch again, loading up both albums again, getting new numbers and all, that would have taken no more than five days after asking to take them down to uploading them again, and then three more days to get accepted and the mke days to get up in itunes, apple and so on.
I do not know if you can start to upload before you can see that the albums are taken down, probably it can cause a dizzy situation for the computers, but I do not know for sure. Then this could have been done in like mooney days instead of two months.
So according to our experience, my advice is that if something needs to be edited, do not use the edit release option! So far so good I wonder though what will be making trouble next Go go people!! I’m really baffled by the bad reviews. I uploaded my music to DistroKid without any problems. All my music and artwork went live on all the sites they claimed to have access to within a few days.
Requested to withdraw my earnings, it was in my PayPal account on the same day. I would not have any issues with recommending them to an unsigned artist. Distrokie to know your customers. Simply claim your company .
An award-winning team of journalists, designers, and videographers who tell brand stories through Fast Company’s distinctive lens. Leaders who are vistrokid the future of business in creative ways. New workplaces, new food sources, new dostrokid an entirely new economic. Spotify is taking punches from Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke because bands need a way to make money. Here are a few music monetization services that you and your bandmates may not have heard of.
Fast Company
TuneCore is currently the most popular way for small and independent artists to get their music into digital music stores like iTunes and Amazon, as well as streaming services like Spotify and Rdio. As an added bonus, the service promises quick turnaround with your music hitting stores the same day hours. The idea of letting your music make money while potentially showing up in a mainstream movie, commercial, or distrojid other high-profile work is an attractive one. There are a few bigger places that provide this service, but smaller, more specialized ones like The Music Bed or Jingle Punks will usually be a better place to start. The T-shirt-selling site works like Kickstarter, but much easier and quicker. The user goes through a few easy decisions like what type of shirt, what color, and how much the total cost will be. Followed by either typing text on do people make money on distrokid shirt or uploading an image. Teespring lets you set a minimum number of buyers before anyone gets a shirt, and allows you to set any price and see your cut right. Ironically, the basis for NoiseTrade is a place for an artist to give their music away for free. An older music album might actually make more from people donating after downloading than off of sales in a digital store. The hope is also that artists will gain more fans to buy a new album or come to a. There are plenty of ways to still make money as a musician, but the key is being creative about it.
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